Motion Not Detected Not Working with Alexa Skill

So I figured out why it didn’t work for me. I needed to set a delay of at least 1 minute for motion not detected routines to work.

How about you @ogiewon?

I don't have any access token errors, and I can't get motion or other sensors to work. They are present in Alexa, but just aren't usable for routines. I am very sure it is an Amazon problem.

This is all I see under Alexa skill logs 100% errors. Every last one to them related to Errors making Calls to Alexa message gateway:

Once again I don't know if this error message is related to the problem or not but it is troubleshooting that it's all errors, no successful tokens and the ongoing issue I'm suffering. I would think this has something to do with my problem.

But given the other comments I don't have any clear correlation at this point.

Also aaiyar, I have to correct you. Please see my screenshots from above. Only the motion based activities are reporting within Alexa. Not one "no motion detected" activity shows up in Alexa. Alexa views as if there is no inactivity

I am not that brave. My Alexa integration works pretty well at this point. I am afraid to break it. Sorry.

I had my delay in the Alexa "Inactive" Routine set to Zero. Still fired every time I tried it.


Within Your hubitat app, go to register hubs, connect to hub, on the left hand side then go to logs. Select "amazon Alexa skill"

You should see some sort of messaging there. Weather info or error somethin should show

My Past Logs on the hub go back about 3 days... I have no Amazon Echo Skill app entries whatsoever in my logs.

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When you say you set a delay, are you talking about within the Alexa routine?

Setting wait = 1 minute?

I'll gladly do this for all my routines if it provides a work around

LOL, I know how to do that, I have been around for a long time. No errors for me.

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Hmmm is your hubitat skill showing as enabled within your Alexa skills? If you got to Alexa, skills, search for hubitat you should see it enabled and only have the ability to mange or remove the skill.

It's very odd if it doesn't even show amazon Alexa skill is associated with hubitat (in your logs)

@neonturbo - Have you ever been able to trigger Alexa Routines with Hubitat sensors? The reason I ask this is because my system used to behave like that years ago, when Hubitat first introduced the ability for sensors to be used as Alexa Routine Triggers. I had to disable the skill in Alexa, remove the Amazon Echo Skill app on Hubitat, delete all of the Hubitat devices that were left behind on, and then re-enable the Hubitat Skill in the Alexa App. This then automagically installs the app on the hub. Afterwards, I was able to use Hubitat sensors as Alexa Routine Triggers.

I didn't try until recently when I was attempting to help someone diagnose a similar issue. I don't use Alexa Routines at all, so I can't tell you if this is new, or always was the case.

I have not deleted the Alexa side of things, but I did migrate hubs, and had to basically delete and enable all devices in the Hubitat side of things in that process. And I just recently did that migration.

And like you, I am not brave enough to delete and install the Hubitat-Alexa app if it is working for me!

Why would it show logs for everything you send to Alexa? I think it only shows error messages? At least that is what my hub does.

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Yes, within the Alexa Mobile App, I can see all of the skills I have enabled, including the Hubitat Skill.

My logs are filled with lots of other things, but not any Alexa related entries. I have only ever seen a very rare Alexa entry when there was an error... for example, when my internet was out for a week during a hurricane, and my Hub could not reach the Alexa AWS servers.


This just in!

I've been troubleshooting this issue for the last 3 days without any sign of success. Trying a number of resets, refreshing, redoing routines! Nothing has worked.

Within the last 15 minutes of communicating in this thread something has changed. I'd love to give credit to whomever flip the switch but now... Out out of no where, everything is back to working! (It maybe that aaiyar and I are still in the EXACT same boat!

So far all the routines I've checked are functional even for the "not detected" routines.

However, if I click on view activity for my "motion not detected" it still shows blank as if no activities ever ran. I won't complain... Obviously something is changing in the background, someone or something is making it better! Please continue!

This activity is now running, even tho it says no activity for the last 30 days.. it's working!

At this point I don't want to look at or even breath In the direction of my hubitat hub! As long as stuff is working I'm burying my head!

Also to ogiewon point. I had amazon Alexa skill showing up in my logs up until an hour ago.. and now I don't see any entries. They seem to have disappeared. Don't know the logic or reason behind any of this.


Sigh, it's back to not working again. It worked since my last post up until an hour ago and now it's doing the same thing.

Works for motion detected

Doesn't work for motion not detected.

Because I didn't do anything to rectify I'm even more clueless as to how to implement the permanent fix.

Is there anyone from Hubitat that can speak towards my problem?

Could you please try once more to test as you've done, it seemed 3 days ago your experience martched mines. Just curious to see if your is still working or not? As mines are no longer working as of an hour ago.

Another user in this chat said he couldn't get either motion detected or not detected to work.

The initial support said they couldn't reproduce and had to bump it up to engineering... This was a few days ago still haven't heard anything back yet. Hoping someone from Hubitat can chime in

I just created two routines, one for motion active and another for motion inactive. Both are working quickly and reliably.

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Sigh and once again mines is also working. I'm not sure what's causing the functionality to be sporadic but for about 4 hours it was down.

Did you have any of the errors from the Alexa Skill app in your Hubitat logs?