I have a Fibaro Dual Switch that is not refreshing the status.
So I have defined a Triggered Event Periodically every 10 secs to refresh the device.
I have defined a condition as when the rooms motion sensor is active or any of the lights are on in the room.
ON reviewing the log I see the Trigger is reporting every 10 secs even when the Condition is FALSE.
Is there a way to stop this unless the motion sensor is active or any of the lights are on?
app:3232019-01-23 07:22:20.139 pm infoGuestSwitch-Refresh is now False
app:3232019-01-23 07:22:20.076 pm infoGuestSwitch-Refresh: Periodic triggered
app:3232019-01-23 07:22:10.135 pm infoGuestSwitch-Refresh is now False
app:3232019-01-23 07:22:10.072 pm infoGuestSwitch-Refresh: Periodic triggered
app:3232019-01-23 07:22:00.139 pm infoGuestSwitch-Refresh is now False
app:3232019-01-23 07:22:00.078 pm infoGuestSwitch-Refresh: Periodic triggered
--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---