Motion Lighting temp not working

I have setup, say, 4 motion lighting events.
Today I noticed that when i walked into my walk in robe the light didnt fire.
I checked the logs and the system saw the activity but didnt fire. The other 3 worked.
We went out, came home, and now the garage MS event wont fire, but the other 3 do.
They are logging movement, but not firing the Motion Lighting rule.

Any ideas @mike.maxwell

dev:3252019-08-10 04:59:15.673 pm infoGarage MS is inactive

dev:4232019-08-10 04:58:56.243 pm infoyee laundry was turned on

dev:4232019-08-10 04:58:56.232 pm debugswitchEvents value: on

dev:4232019-08-10 04:58:54.683 pm warnskipped:[id:1, result:[ok]]

dev:2992019-08-10 04:58:54.672 pm infoLaundry Light switch was turned on

dev:4322019-08-10 04:58:54.559 pm infoLaundry MS is active

dev:3252019-08-10 04:58:39.611 pm infoGarage MS is active

Sorry, need to ask an obvious question. If you look at your system events, any chance you were in Day or Away mode at the time the motion sensors were triggered?

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sorry @bjcowles I didnt picture the robe MS that I was having the issue with.
Away is when no ones home (IE im walking in and testing the MS and my mode is currently day)

so I have a MS, it is reading motion and has worked no problem for weeks.
it is showing motion with its green LED and showing in the logs as motion but not firing the bulb.
The bulb is still controllable as I have it also connected to a hue button controller.

I get so sick of something working the day before, and then just stopping for no reason. If its not one things its another.

dev:4492019-08-27 07:12:42.916 am infoRobe MS2 is active

and to make it more confusing, the bulb still turns off after 1min delay, just wont turn it on.