Motion Lighting - Smartthings Motion Sensor

Has anyone experienced their motion lighting being unresponsive for really not apparent reason?

I've got in two separate locations a ST motion sensor installed that triggers a wall switch to turn on/off light using motion lighting. But in some cases the motion or rule seems unresponsive, either not turning on the light when motion is present or never turning off the light after a designated period of time. Since this is all based off motion, it seems the sensor just becomes unresponsive.

Others experienced this?

Have you checked the events of the motion sensor?.. I have experienced these particular sensors batteries die with no warning..

Brand new, just got them. Been experiencing this since I got them. I actually switched from RM to Motion Lighting hoping it would help.

80% of the time it works...

Can you turn on debug logging on the device and try to get it to fail?.. It would be helpful to diagnose what is happening when it doesn’t work.

I have 8 of them and experienced this problem when the hub was going coo-coo from a failed pair. The zigbee side was fine but the z-wave side where my light was the mesh was saturated.

Are you sure your motion lighting rule isn't the issue? Lots of confusing options in there.

I don't believe so only because it all works well majority of the time.

When it acts up again I'll check out the log.

Is this on a C7? If so could you post a screenshot of your settings, zwave details page? Also it would be helpful to see your hub stats.


http://hubitat.local/hub/enableStats (Run this to start stat collection and let it collect for about 5 minutes)
http://hubitat.local/hub/stats (Run this after the 5 minutes has elapsed to view the stats)
http://hubitat.local/hub/disableStats (Run this to stop stat collection)

Here are a few images from just now. Not turning on even though motion detected. Didn’t manually turn anything on or off but days I turned something off manuall

Doesn't the "Don't turn on if turned off manually option" disable it turning on until it is reset by a mode change?

Disables it until you turn it on manually.

I thought it just prevented turning on if you turned off manually until sensor resets back to inactive, then it would work normally? Didn't realize it disables until you turn back on manually....

Either way I've turned the option off to see what difference it makes.

Don't turn on if turned off manually

When enabled, the motion sensor will not turn the light On until there is no longer motion detected and the motion sensor has returned to an inactive state. This will prevent the motion sensor from turning lights immediately On again in situations where, after manually turning lights off via a button, switch or contact sensor, your movement may activate a motion sensor before you have the chance to leave a room

So in my case I didn't turn anything off and confirmed inactive motion before trying to trigger the rule.

Disabled the the setting as stated above and still have this issue. So it’s either the rule not kicking off or the switch having issues since the motion detector does at least recognize motion.

I have one smartthings sensor that is set up the same as all my others that sometimes turns off after 2 min timeout and won't turn back on even if I'm moving in front of it. So I don't know maybe gremlins? lol

I should note, that I have a Z Wave Leviton (Basement) and a Lutron Caseta Switch (Garage), both acting similarly.

I ended up just switching over to RM. It seemed like Motion Lighting was just not working right. As soon as I switched to RM, everything started to work again. Will keep an eye out if any issues arise.