Motion Lighting Slow to Respond

Didn't see it mentioned above but this app:

Is very helpful on a C7 using zwave

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I just noticed you edited your earlier post to include screen shots. Good, very helpful.

But also not so good - below are all ghosts...ghosts are bad in the world of Z-Wave. It's amazing your hub was running normally if you've had all these for a year.

2022-09-26 16_42_59-Chrome Main
2022-09-26 16_43_04-Chrome Main
2022-09-26 16_43_13-Chrome Main

All of these ghost switches are potential trouble-makers, one ghost would be more than enough to explain your problems w/latency of you switches that are connected. Harder to explain how things ran OK for as long as they did when you moved to your new house. A miracle of Z-Wave+ (assuming most or all of your switches must be Z-Wave+ and managed to re-route on their own successfully).

The rule of thumb around here is generally don't leave Z-Wave devices in your Z-Wave database if you don't actually have the devices installed/connected. You have so many ghosts that it would be very difficult to identify which one(s) are involved w/your latency issues.

If this was my house/mesh, I would remove all the switches that aren't installed and I wasn't using, and after that let things sit for a day or so, and then do a general Z-Wave repair.

Assuming that all of the switches you aren't using are in a box somewhere and not powered up, to remove them one-by-one, you can try hitting the "Refresh" button for the device on the Z-Wave Details page until a "Remove" button appears. Then hit the "Remove" button. And so on for each switch. It may take multiple tries on both the Refresh and Remove buttons.

When you do get around to using those switches, you'll need to do an Exclude on each one you've removed from the Z-Wave Details page first, before you try to include it, since you never went through an exclude step w/the switches before they went into a box. Make sense?


Well not ghosts in the usual sense. The devices were fully paired but he turned them off. They do certainly need removed though...


Those are effectively ghosts in the worst sense. Because optimal routes are created based on those devices working properly. When you take a device offline, then you force the radio to create less optimal routes to account for missing devices.


I meant in how they're created....


what about this.. kinda the saMe issue i leave it paired for ease of use when i need it..

Right, they are not in "usual" sense, they are in the worst sense :grinning: ... Why risk mesh troubles when you can avoid them? If you don't use it, exclude it, that's my rule of thumb.

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i do have it excluded in devices.. does that help.. does the zwave logic look at that when determining routes.. if not it would be a nice change.


For mesh networks (both Zigbee and Z-Wave) the problems caused by ghosts or standed devices are at radio level. Devices hit the radio first, before they hit the hub where the driver is located.

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The Aeon is battery powered so it's not going to route other devices, so should be much less risk of it causing problems when it's there but not there. Like contact and motion sensors.

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