Just moving to Hubitat from Smartthings. I built a night light rule in Rule Machine to set a light on a dimmer to 10% when activated by a motion sensor between certain times when the bedroom light is off; it turns off after 5 minutes.
I had this working in Smartthings for years, and it's pretty simple. Last night (day 1 of the rule), the motion sensor turned-on the light at 100%. I dimmed it manually, but it went on at 100% when my wife got up.
Now that I can see again, I hope someone can point out any issues with the rule.
It’s not your rule. It’s your dimmer. Some dimmers, like the GE one I just tested it on need to be turned on before they will follow the set level command. You can either send an on command followed by the level, or toggle “level prestaging” if that’s an option in the driver (in which case you will need to send the “on” command after the set level). The former doesn’t prevent you from being blinded by bright light before it dims, so if you’re going that route, have the light dim to 10% before shutting off.
You could also install Lights on Motion Plus (LOMP) from Hubitat Package Manager (HPM) or find the link in the forum. This is actually what I use with my GE dimmers. I have it set to dim to different levels before turning off depending on what mode the hub is in. The author @bertabcd1234 has several apps for Hubitat that are excellent. I’ve been using this and his CoCoHue integration for years now and he keeps them well maintained.
Whoa, this is not correct! All dimmers should respond to a setLevel command, and that should turn on the dimmer.
@user3988 This should work, and there should not be any difference than ST. What kind of dimmer is it? Please test the dimmer from its device page, and see if setLevel 10 works as expected there.
That is definitely odd. I have a whole plethora of GE dimmer devices and none of them act that way. Every one of them I have will turn on when given a set level command if off.
Edit: all of my GE devices are z-wave though, not zigbee.
It could be a driver issue, quirk, or design decision if you are using a user driver for your device. Or maybe that is just how that particular device works, and I've just never seen that.