Motion Lighting Doesn't Work but simple does

This third option was never an issue for me as I very rarely if ever adjust values. But good point Steve may not.

Lights are working great now. Thanks for all your help Bruce.

hmmm - clicked that first option and went in and the motion sensor green light is firing, but there is nothing in the logs now.
When i go to the device it has 99% battery but its saying the last activity was 752am this morning.
might do a battery pull and a restart of the hub.

In review this was due to a zigbee issue with repeaters which has since been fixed.
After that was fixed, I had a similar issue tonight where some of the automations werent working. I went in and turned the first option on as listed above and so far, they have started working again (I also rebooted my hub just incase that was the issue).
It would be really frustrating as a new user, to not know you have to click an option that seems to have nothing to do with the automation you're trying to make, just to get it to work (@patrick) .