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I have a hard time believing it could be the First Alert smoke detectors that is slowing down your Z-wave network. They send very little information that is sent to the hub in order to preserve battery. I have found issues with 700 series switches and sensors (the Z00z sensor seems to have a bad rep and I had to removed mine).

Thank you silverton38 for responding.
Yes, the smoke detectors seem to report their battery about once per hour, and I have 4 right now, so very little traffic. (how did you know what I had?)
Bad news about the 700 Zooz dimmers though.... from what I have been reading, they are the cat's meow.
Guess I will remove them and see if things improve. First, though, I will create a backup, then remove them as they are used in my automations, and will cause problems if they are gone and don't respond.

To Admin..... should I move this to another thread? I know this is going off topic.

I had to do the exact same thing and it solved my issues with Z-wave.

Did you remove dimmers too? The 700 series?
I am not using the motion sensors (Zooz 4 in 1), but am using several of the 700 series dimmers.
What did you find were good replacements for the dimmers?

I have a rather large investment in the zooz 700 series dimmers, and am not looking forward to replacing them.
The dimmers I have now for replacements are Evalogic ZW31's that have a hard time with some of my LED light bulbs... that is why I replaced them with the zooz zen77's.

Yes. I also invested in a lot in them. I switched to Zigbee switches and they work great.

I also now use the Lutron Caseta (pro) switches. I find that they are the most reliable.

HHmmmm... frustrating!
Well I just went through my devices, and I have 5 of the zooz zen77 dimmers and none of the zooz 4 in 1 V2 motions (only the Aeotec motion sensors and two zooz zse29 outdoor motion sensors).
I am going to replace 4 of the zen77's with smart bulbs (sengled color) and for now, just eliminate the 5th (a backyard flood light on a dimmer).
A little painful but hopefully worth it!
This also means changes to rules, which is painful, but if it works it will be worth it.

My intention for some of the lights was to go with the Sengled colors anyway, so not such a problem, but it sure would be nice to find out what is causing the issue!

I have several Zooz 700 series dimmers and switches - Zen73 & 74's - I have not experienced any issues with those devices at all. They are paired with no security though..

That is a good plan.

I tried them with security and without but I my hub kept getting in to trouble. I did have a lot of them.

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All of my devices, except my door deadbolts (Schlague BE469) are paired with no security (NOT 0.. NO security).


That's interesting.. Most of my switches and dimmers are Zen23/24s but I have about 5 that are the 700 series.

I would strongly agree with you. Do not use the security features.

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I chose the zen77's because of the trailing edge dimmer (a MOSFET rather than a Triac), since the led lights (not smart) didn't like the triac dimmer and would flash/flicker.
They worked great with the zen77's, but if the dimmers are causing mesh problems they are not worth it!

This is where it gets frustrating... you don't have problems with your setup, but I am!
R/R'ing devices is a difficult way to troubleshoot without tools.
I have even tried a spectrum analyzer to see if there is random RF "trash" that could be clogging my mesh, and that didn't reveal anything since the hangups are so random, but annoying.

It would be nice if there was some way to monitor, in real time, what the z-wave radio was seeing in it's data output.
Maybe dig out the scope and take a look....

Yeah that sucks and is frustrating.. One thing I've done is offload all my rules etc to Node-RED. Keeps things as simple as possible on my hubs.

You could do some zniffing ..

edit: In the past I've used multiple he hubs by location which worked really well. Currently am running C-7 for Z-wave, a C-5 for Zigbee and a C-5 for net/cloud apps.