Most elegant way simply have another bulb toggle when toggling smart switch?

I have a simple use case, but want to make sure I'm not overthinking things. Not sure if I need a rule or a scene or what.

I have a smart switch hooked up to an overhead light, and then a smart bulbs installed in a lamp in the back of the room. The lamp always has power. I want the switch to toggle the light, and then I always want the lamp to turn on/off with the light.

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I use the Basic Rule App for this. Basically, I make a primary and slave relationship. In your case, the smart bulb would be the slave. Whenever the overhead is turned on, turn the slave on. When the overhead turns off, turn the smart bulb off.

Here's my Basic Rule:

I always recommend Mirror App for this particular use-case.


I'll have to take a look at that app.
However, in my case, I only wanted the table lamp to follow the ceiling light - not the other way around. This is because sometimes I only want the table lamp to be on without the overhead light, but I always want the table lamp to be on when the overhead light is on. For the OP's use case, Mirror App is probably just what he's looking for.

EDIT: I just tried the Mirror App and it works fine for what I wanted. So, although what I said above is true, the Mirror App you recommended will work for me too.


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