More Life 360 states in official app please - UPDATE: Now available in Community Life 360 Integration

All the Life 360 Connector app does is create a Virtual Presence device and connect it to your Life 360 account. The app doesn't receive the information you are talking about, nor does the presence device.

Someone would have to write some sort of Life 360 driver to make the information available through attributes.

No? :sunglasses:

Last location update on: 1561919313
Address 1: Home
Address 2: null
Battery: 57
Charging: 0
Wifi: 1
Last Server Checkin
In Location Since: 1561828798
Moving: 0
Driving: 0
MPH: 0
Latitude: 42.6680588
Longitude: -71.3247565

From debug log:
app:32019-06-30 02:32:15.386 pm debugresponse members data: [members:[[features:[device:1, smartphone:1, nonSmartphoneLocating:0, geofencing:1, shareLocation:1, shareOffTimestamp:null, disconnected:0, pendingInvite:0, mapDisplay:1], issues:[disconnected:0, type:null, status:null, title:null, dialog:null, action:null, troubleshooting:0], location:[latitude:42.6680588, longitude:-71.3247565, accuracy:50, startTimestamp:1561828798, endTimestamp:1561919313, since:1561828798, timestamp:1561919313, name:Home, placeType:null, source:l, sourceId:c433dc2e-18ab-43ba-a062-9fe5cc92c825, address1:Home, address2:, shortAddress:, inTransit:0, tripId:null, driveSDKStatus:null, battery:57, charge:0, wifiState:1, speed:0, isDriving:0, userActivity:null], communications:[[channel:Voice, value:+0000000000, type:Home], [channel:Email,, type:null]], ...

Looks like all it would take is to add the attributes to the current driver.

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It's rather more involved than that, as the driver is a presence device.

All I would want is the data... I can write my own app later. :grinning::upside_down_face::grin:

Come on, Red Sox just got beat by the Yankees. Give me something to look forward to! lol


I do exactly this with my ST webCoRE presence and use HubConnect to pass the attributes to HE. I then have a piston which sends the data in a URL via pushover with a clickable link. The link opens google maps along with the coordinates :wink:

Very useful!!

Looks like this is going to be possible with a port of the ST code after all. Thanks to @cwwilson08 for breaking the oauth code mystery! Little more tweaking to be done but we have a working app.


Awesome! Looking forward to trying it out! Great job @cwwilson08, @bptworld


NEW APP and DRIVER on my Github! Need a few people to test it out before I make an official [RELEASE] post.

The install isn't the easiest but its not hard either. Instructions are included, please read them and post any errors! :sunglasses: Also open to anyone finding a method that we don't have to do those steps!

app and driver can be found in the PORTED section...

BTW... Life360 Tracker app also in the works to use this new data! :wink::grinning:

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on it!

So I fubared the below...really hard to do things in tab A when the instructions are in tab A...might want to fix that or have people screenshot it first.

  1. Change browser tab back to (a).
  2. In the browser url bar look toward the middle and find 'access_token='.
  3. Double click on the set of numbers and letters that are after that to hightlight it.
  4. PASTE in the code saved in step 9. and then press 'ENTER' key.

However...mine seemed to be working without the above steps. It was connected and showed my circles and places. I did go back and finish the above steps however. All connected up.

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@storageanarchy asked in another post...
"Just curious - why are you porting the ST Life360 to HE when there is already native Life360 support built into Hubitat?"

Life360 Build in app...

New Life360 (Connect) app...

So what does the driver do? Am I changing my existing Life360 devices to use the new driver?

Needed for the app to create the devices.

mine didn't create any

Any errors in the log?

If you selected a user named 'Bryan' in the app, look for a device named 'Bryan' in the device list. Remember to 'refresh' the device list.

You made it to the final webpage stating 'Life360 is now connected to Hubitat'?

no errors...log page still open...only the token.

All 4 family members selected and no devices created. Just unselected and reselected...still no devices.

Update..did it again for my son. His "Default Life360" virtual presence sensor (the built it one) was called "Life360 James" and was set at virtual presence sensor. It went away or maybe renamed to just "James" and is still showing as "virtual presence sensor"

Yes, with the click here to return to your hub button. And my Life360 (connect) app is showing my users and places.

Be sure old Life360 app is disabled. Make sure both app and driver code has been copied over.

Then uninstall the new app and start again. Don't skip any steps this time.

disable old app...

I did NOT do this....ANDDD... old life360 app not showing... :frowning:

maybe restore from backup and start over?