I am looking for a driver for this discontinued sensor.
There was a SmartThings DTH driver but it seems to be no longer available. Anyone has a copy by chance?
None of the built in one seems to work, only getting battery status.
Have you tried "Generic Z-Wave Contact Sensor" for the type? That's what my Ecolink is using and it works.
Yes. I get battery reports but not open/close status.
Is this your sensor? If yes, it is different.
I have an older model of that and yes I am aware it is different than yours. Zwave is standardized, so most devices will send the same messages even if they are different brands.
On the device page change the type to "Device" and then open the logs in a new tab. Make it tilt back and forth once, it should produce some logs with the zwave messages. Please get a SCREENSHOT of those log entries and post it.
Of course once I messed with it again it started reporting.
I might need help at a later stage, as I am planning to add external switch to it. The manual says "External switch will trigger Alarm Report". With the generic ZWave contact sensor driver, both tilt and external switch contacts produce the same events - open/close.
Ball was possibly stuck, that can happen if its the type with the metal ball in a tube. Also, make sure you have something it can repeat through either in the garage or just inside the house. It may have been struggling to get its messages to the hub reliably.
The tilt and contacts might both send the same messages over, or possibly the generic driver is catching two different messages and treating them both the same. Using that "Device" driver to catch the actual messages sent from the device is the easiest way to know for sure.
Thanks. There seems to be some differences. Red is the tilt sensor, blue is the external contact closure.
I knew about the ball and I have a repeater in the attached garage. Could have been network issue regardless.
That seems like odd alerts types. The Notification Type 7 is Home Security, event 254 is literally defined as Unknown event/state in the specs. Event 2 is Intrusion. I guess they are using the v1AlarmLevel to indicate open vs closed?
It would certainly possible to make a custom driver to accommodate both inputs
Thanks. Hopefully a staff member can pick this up and develop the driver. I am sure I can do it as well, but it will take me weeks, vs 30 minutes for someone that already knows this field.
You got it working for just the tilt though right? It just picks up both events as the same thing?
I could probably make a driver from one of my other battery drivers, just need to strip a bunch out and add something to catch these events.
Yes, it is working. If you give me some basic code, I might be able to slightly modify as I do have basic coding knowledge (but zero with Zwave protocol).
Don't make this a high priority if this is not something you consider easy.
I did get about halfway through making something for this based off one of my other drivers. I need to go through and clean up a bunch of stuff related to the parameters which this driver wont have. Not sure if I will have a chance this week or not. Just wanted to let you know.
Any more progress?
I think this might work? It installs and doesnt produce errors for the things I can test.
The tilt sensor should populate a "tilt" attribute I added.
The external contact sensor will use "contact".
Or should I make the tilt use "contact" like it would with a generic tilt driver? And use something like "external" for the contact inputs?
I will play with it this weekend and get back to you. Thank you.
So it looks like both alarms trigger close but I don't see open on either. I didn't see the tamper changing status either (not crucial) and there is also this error:
Stupid mistakes that I made.
Try it again, same link: Hubitat Generic Z-Wave Tilt/Contact Sensor · GitHub
Also turn on the debug logging when testing.
Hm, debug logging has been on the whole time. Is there more verbose version that I am not aware of?
Either way, it looks like we have a success!
That unhandled notification is the intrusion detection. It appears to only have triggers every so many seconds and I am guessing when it stops, hub should considered it clear (as I don't see a different msg when I close the lid).
I don't really need this but if you want to stretch your brain further - I can test.
I think in your recent test no debug logs would be expected.
Try new version on same link. The tamper should work and after 2 minutes of no tamper alerts it will time out and clear it. The first tamper should log normally, after that it will only debug log duplicate alerts until cleared.
I did 2 minutes in case anyone wanted to set it up in HSM with a 1 minute stays. In the case someone opened it and popped out the battery, that gives it long enough to stay as detected to trigger an alert before it clears itself.