MonoPrice 15654 how to Disable Power on Events?

Hi all, I have one MonoPrice 15654 I dont wnat to see the power information on "events" because I only use this to On/Off power.

Could you please help to disable this information on Events?

Your preferences page looks different than what I see using the built-in Zooz Power Switch. Here's what I have for those devices when I don't want any reporting.

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It's not clear what driver you're using for that device, but it is definitely custom and appears to be a poorly written port of a SmartThings DTH. :slight_smile: There might be a built-in driver, though I don't know what options it exposes, if any. You could always use the Basic Z-Wave Tool plus the device manual (to verify parameters and values) to change any parameters manually, regardless of the regular driver you use.

For this driver and the issue in question, you'd have to figure out what it is doing with the statusText attribute, with my guess being that it seems to update twice an hour regardless of what actually happens (this is not a standard attribute, but perhaps it had some use in the SmartThings app). Beyond that, assuming the driver actually works, setting all the reporting intervals and percentages to either disabled or as high as possible (if they can't be disabled) is probably the best you can do, which it looks like you did for some. But statusText is probably just updated on a schedule (or something else that doesn't appear to be configurable here), which the custom driver would have to be modified to remove, if that is the only remaining issue.

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The driver was zooZ Z-Wave SmartPlug, now I changed for Zooz Power Switch.

Now works, thaks @mpoole32 @bertabcd1234

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This is still not a built-in driver (based on the name and the screenshot), and for troubleshooting custom drivers, a link to the custom driver so others can see what it is more easily is usually a good idea. I normally wouldn't recommend using a non-Generic driver that wasn't written specifically for a device, but a quick glance at both manuals suggests that the parameters for the Zooz and Monoprice line up pretty closely, despite being entirely different devices physically. So, it looks like you might be good! Glad you git the issue figured out in any case.

What is the best Driver for MonoPrice 15654?

Hubitat doesn't have one built in, so who knows. :slight_smile: The one you are using now, however, looks like a close match for the device (surprising given how different they look), so I'd say it's probably fine.

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