Moisture Sensors

Does anybody make a moisture sensor for indoor house plants that is ready to go right out of the box and integrates easily with bridge etc. Zwave or Zigbee?

I have a couple outdoor Spruce ones...V2...but can't even find those for sale anywhere still.

I spotted these the other day, but haven't had time to investigate whether or not there's a Hubitat driver for them.{"ship_from"%3A""%2C"sku_id"%3A"12000033623877190"}&scm=1007.45714.392354.0&scm-url=1007.45714.392354.0&scm_id=1007.45714.392354.0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!US%20%2419.19!US%20%2417.79!!!19.19!17.79!%402101f93317193481465332721e0eff!12000033623877190!gdf!US!2777362215!&aecmd=true&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa

After following @Hatallica 's link and reading other postings, this device is not recommended.

That looks similar to sensors described in this thread:

Check carefully, as there are "do not buy" recommendations somewhere around the 20th post.


You will likely come across, if not before, at some point, EcoWitt. The option to purchase a "gateway" for EcoWitt sensors, for the options you get, is realtively cheap, compared to other weather stations / sensor-related hubs. Just my 2c.... Obviously biased.... But hey, sue me :-p

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It's a shame because those look perfect. Thanks!

Will look into it since it looks like there is a hole in the product market for something like this. Thanks!

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Thanks. Shame because the price is really good.