Mode manager

i like this. I'm a HE pardon the dumb question. I see your MM screen but what do you mean when you say "with a VS", a virtual-switch? what does that look like? Walk me through it like I'm in elementary school, lol, i will not take offense. :wink:

Actually i lied. Yes i did mean a Virtual Switch, but i actually changed it to a Virtual Presence device.

I set up a virtual presence for different rules to reference instead of referencing to my presence directly in case I want to add in a wifi presence and/or when my son comes back from school i can add his presence into the global vp.Home/Away variable.

I am using life360 for presence on my iphone8 an my RM4 rule is:

Going back to Mode Manager, i have a Virtual Button that will advance the mode from to night and this is set by my Bedtime routine if it is executed when the mode is evening:


I wanted to wait until this evening. Evening/Night worked perfectly. It's now 12am EST and my Hub says it's DAY ;-(

what am missing here??

Since logging is enabled, what do you see in the Past Logs for the Mode Mar App?

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What @ogiewon said.

And can you please confirm that your correct location is set under Settings/Location.

Just doing some browsing and stumbled on this thread.

Summary: remove mode manager, confirm location settings, and add MM back in & configure. Maybe a reboot in the middle somewhere would be a good idea.

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this is what i see in the 12am it from from EVENING to DAY which should not have happened.

I recommend you reach out to

ok, you guys can always answer so when you say go to support, I get worried. lol. I will do that, thanks

What location & timezone do you have your hub set for?

US EST and the location is long/lat of my house.

US EST or US/Eastern?

I'm having a similar problem. Mode manager keeps randomly changing to evening and then night in the middle of the day which then arms my system in the middle of the day and then triggers and intrusion alert. It's getting extremely annoying and I'm lost as to why it is happening. This is a relatively new problem for me (past week or so).

If you set your TimeZone to “EST”, you’ll need to change it to “America/New_York” instead so that it follows typical USA Daylight Savings Time.

Change the timezone as shown in my post to “America/New_York” and see if your sunrise and sunset times adjust accordingly. Yours don’t look correct to me.

I have mine set to US/Eastern and it works correctly.

Look at his sunrise and sunset times. Those don’t make sense at this time of the year. What do yours look like Ryan?

I didn't say that those did....i just said that the timezone of US/Eastern works. EST does not, I agree. But US/Eastern definitely does. He's already said that his location is correct. So...:man_shrugging:

That's mine. But yes, you are correct. If you're in the US, the place that gets the latest sunset time in the eastern time zone is Marquette michigan and their sunset time is 8:23 right now (They're really part of Wisconsin so they are further west than anywhere else in Eastern. It's very odd in the summer to have it be bright out till 11pm.) So, I agree, those don't make sense. But I would think that's a problem with location, not timezone.

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So i changed it to America/New York and updated. I noticed the map wasn't coming through all the way so I added my ZIP code. The map loaded up correctly, and it changed timezone BACK to US/EASTERN but the sunrise/sunset times look better now.