Mode Manager - Issue with Presence Return

I know, I know... Another post about presence sensor issues, but hear me out please.

I've setup what I believe to be a rock solid presence system, based on a few months of pushover notifications anytime there is a change.

2x iPhones - Hubitat + WiFi Presence
7x Motion Sensors
4x Combined Presence Devices (1x per phone, 1x either phone, and motion)

I've been using the combined presence devices in some of my rules for a few months, and haven't had any issues with functionality. I even added extra checks to notify us if we unlock the door, and our phone isn't detected as present.

I honestly expected the presence sensing to be the hard part, but given it was reliable I proceeded to configure Mode Manager to set away mode last month. It's been reliable setting the mode away, but not when we return home. I've been watching the logs, and the best I can tell there is either a bug in Mode Manager - or I totally botched the settings. I'm hoping someone can help find what I missed.

Mode Manager Settings

Presence Settings

The all important logs. The departure is correctly captured, and mode updated accordingly. You can also see the successful return, and moment of entry (the range is a little large still). What you don't see is the mode updated from away. I've been manually changing the mode when we return as a result.

Any ideas before I bother support?

What stands out to me is what is included in your combined presence? Do you have wifi in that group and then you're adding them to the rule again? I used presence governor, which is pretty much the same, but it would seem that your choices of presence might be the issue. Put what you can in combined presence and don't use the devices individually. Combined presence does the work for you to set up the conditions that trigger you to show away. 2 of 3 devices, whatever you choose. The way you describe it and show it in the rule feels counteractive. Also the same with away mode. Everyone needs to show away for mode to change to away? Because I read it as any one needs to be away to change mode to away. IMHO

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I am not sure I understand the rule either. You have motion for presence? That seems like a weird idea to me somehow.

To me, it should be something like a presence fob plus phone wifi, or phone wifi plus phone geolocation from the Hubitat app, or all three. You are simply trying to figure out if you are home with presence, not in a particular room.

Once you are at home, you can then have other rules that take presence into account when triggering off motion.

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@april.brandt That's what I get for not triple checking my to make sure everything made sense. I setup a quick dashboard that should help explain where combined presence is coming into play.

I was originally using Someone Present to set away mode, and return from away mode. This seemed the most reliable option, as any of the three main metrics would indicate someone is home. The house lighting is 90% motion based, and not activated during away mode (granted that might be worth revisiting). We haven't had any issues with away mode triggering so I haven't tinkered with it.

Return from away on the other hand hasn't been working so there was tinkering involved. I slowly added the presence sensors (Someone Present > Both Present > S/P Combined > Motion + Previous > All the things), figuring something would eventually stick. As you can see it's a tad messy, which I just changed back to the two combined options. So individual device desperation fixed...

That being said the logs are indicating "Both Present" is arriving, and that is one of the listed sensors to return from away. I would think, despite the less than ideal configuration the mode should have returned to normal.

@neonturbo Yes, I figured this would be a good way to return from away if someone other than us was at the house (ie: cleaners, or friends checking while away). I've got enough motion sensor coverage this works fairly well, unless we are sitting watching TV - but there's a "mode" for that :wink:

@bobbyD Any thoughts about this issue?

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