Mode Manager: Define time for "Day" mode without setting

Confused on the setup but I want to define my Day and Night modes based on sunrise, sunset. However, I do not want mode manager to change to Day---my iphone will set the day mode with its alarm (if present). However, I do want Day mode to trigger when returning from Away (if it's within the time).

Is this possible? I'm confused by the table namings. Had it working in the old version.

In the Presence table you create an entry for Day mode, and put the time constraint in there, like this:

There would be no setting for Day in the Times table.

Thank you. That helps! Do I have this right? I want Night to trigger at 6:02PM and when present. Would I need anything in the presence table for this? Here's my current attempt:

You should get rid of selection for Presence to Return From Away, and add instead an entry for Night, with the corresponding Only During Time selection. Make sure the two time periods don't overlap. So you have one for Day and one for Night.

Is this what you're suggesting? Wouldn't this trigger Day mode at sunrise though? I'm trying to get it so that my iPhone will trigger day mode when the alarm goes off (which it is doing now)....and not just a Time based trigger like the table seems to be doing here.

No. Not at all. Go back to what I showed and said above. Put both Day and Night in Presences Sensors, and get rid of Return from Away in Presence Sensors. Get rid of Day in Times table. Add Away to Presence sensors for All Leave, and the other two will be Any Arrive with the time constraints.

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Got it. Thanks for the pic. I was actually on that track but then I was thinking "get rid of Return from Away in Presence Sensors" meant delete it. Apparently that's just setting it to "Select Sensors". I wouldn't have guessed the first row (Away) though, so your screenshot is really helpful. Guess I was thinking you had to "select" when it says to.

Thanks again.

I guess the Help should make it clear that Return From Away is optional... Or, it should be a choice you can add/remove with +/-

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