Mode Manager - Between Certain Times!

So, you're just not going to use mode at all until this gets implemented? What feature do you want exactly? To trigger off of SHM? Well, the standard practice is to have HSM follow the mode instead of the other way around. That's why you can set HSM automatically based on the Mode. So, having this option in mode manager would create a loop, something Hubitat hates. So, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

I hate loops too :crazy_face:

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To each his own. Thanks.

This is my setup:

I have mode related actions setup in my house.
Between 5:35AM and 11:59AM, my house is set to Morning mode and HSM is Disarmed.
Between 12PM and 5:30PM, my house is set to Afternoon mode.
Between 6Pm and 11:59PM, my house is set to Evening mode.
Between 12AM and 5:34AM, my house is set to Night mode and HSM Armed-Night.
That can work just fine with Rule Machine and I have used it before going back to WebCore.
The problem is that my wife and I come home at odd times and when HSM is disarmed based on the Security Keypad code the home is set to Back mode, In the recent passed Mode Manager did not just jump into my preset mode for the correct time frame. So I had to setup a bulletproof Piston in WebCore bypassing that program.

No you don't it does this perfectly well! Your just looking at it wrong. What you ask for is what happens in my house day in day out I don't need to be home on the trigger time that would be useless!!!

This is the request you should be asking for but there is a easy option to work around this as @bertabcd1234 has suggested.

So, when you arrive home at 2am and disarm the keypad, you want it to immediately arm itself again, just like that? I think maybe if you expanded your mode idea to be less about what the time of day is and more about what is happening in the house, it might help. I have 4 modes. Day, Night, Sleep and Away. Sleep = Arm Night and Away = Arm Away. So, when I return home, i can trigger my mode change off HSM disarming but I still need to see if it should be day or night. Sleep and Away are set manually when I go to bed or leave.

Even if you got the feature you want, I don't think it's going to end up working the way that you want.

When I arrive at home @2pm and Disarm the HSM via the keypad, I want the mode to automatically go into Afternoon.

I tried it just now in the Evening and breefly trigger Away mode by turning ON a Virtual Switch. The Mode Manager worked correctly. However, when I turned off the Virtual Switch, the mode did not switch to Evening mode; HSM did Disarm though.

Here is the screen capture of my phone as I performed my

This is my piston in WebCore. It works right away. As soon as I Resumed it.!

You can use this feature of Mode Manager:

When you disarm your system, throw a virtual switch. Include that switch in Mode Manager, and Mode Manager will set the mode correctly based on the Between Two Times feature you are talking about. The two times being the period that begins that last time the mode would have changed at a certain time, and the next time that would happen. Mode Manager has all of that logic already implemented.

So if you disarm at 2 pm, the switch is thrown, and Mode Manager goes into Afternoon Mode BECAUSE that is the mode is would have been in had you not left.

Mode Manager always maintains a "shadow mode" that it would be in, but for the fact that it is in Away mode. Then, when it "returns from away", it sets the real mode to the shadow mode.

A very simple rule can throw the switch:


That is not what I want and will not work for me. Thank you @bravenel.