Mode background in Dashboard 2

I am coping with the many adjustments necessary after update to I needed to open and save configuration for several RM rules as well as HSM, and automation seems to be fully working again. I have begun tweaking my dashboards that I mostly use from the local URL on my phone (whether local or over VPN), and there appear to be a few new glitches.

Gladly, the HSM tile background color issue has been fixed, but it seems to me that the particular issue was replaced by a new Mode tile background issue. The old issue was that the HSM tile would only display the correct background color after the value changes. The new challenge is that the Mode tile background never seems to accept the alpha transparency value from the widget. Has anyone figured this out?

I may have solved my own question. The trick for me was to enter the RGB manually, but to only input transparency with the slider in the widget. The appearance is now as expected, and the value saved correctly across modes.

Manual input would be preferred, especially on a touch screen.