Mobile App - Enable Geofence - Turning itself off on iOS

Several times with the new app I will see that my presence is not being detected when I leave home. Upon checking I find that the toggle switch "Enable Geofence" has turned itself off. Happened this morning again. Anyone else seeing this?

Yes, a few times on iOS 12.2 on both an iPhone XS and an iPhone 6s and its been reported by many others as well, i believe it is one of the things they are working on trying to fix with the mobile app right now.

Assuming this is iOS (folks, please post what device you are on) yes, this is something we are aware of and working on tracking down the cause.

Sorry, IOS 12.3 Iphone 6s

iOS 12.4 on iPhone XS

An interesting find is that when I closed the app (slide up) the Enable Geofence turns off.

Wouldn't the app need to stay running in the background in order to do its job of geofencing, notifications etc?

Mine both work fine when the app is forced closed I have only had the enable Geofencing get disabled once on the iPhone 6s and twice on the iPhone XS but I never leave the app running in the background and yet it updates the Geofencing info as reliably as Life 360 (which also is also force closed) and the notification messages pop up within a second of sending them.

huh, consider me educated, thanks. So its enough for the app to just be installed to function, not actually running...

I’m using an iPhone 7plus with ios12.4 beta and haven’t had to turn geofencing on since the initial app installation. It has worked perfectly so far.

IOS 12.3.1 on iPhone XS Max and most of the time when I open the app I find Geofence has disabled itself.

yeah, just want to add tonight my app has turned geo-fence off. I have it set to "always" in the location settings as well.

I run into a different issue. I’m using an iPhone 7 Plus with iOS 12.3.1, it worked great the first couple of days. Now when I am home although "Enable Geofence" stayed on, presence shows "not present". It only shows "present" after selecting geofence tab.