Missing Life360 Built in App C-8 Pro?

Hi really sorry brand new and I have looked everywhere in the documentation. Hopefully someone is able to help me.

I just cant seem to find the Life360 app in the list of built in apps. Has it been deprecated? I cant see any reference anywhere that it might have been leading me to believe something is wrong with my new C-8 pro ver ?

Any help gratefully received

Yes it has been deprecated. Long story short the integration with Life360 was never an official one and many home automation systems like HE and Home Assistant were using an unofficial API. Recently Life360 has made changes to their APIs to prevent hubs like HE from accessing their data. HE decided to remove it from their inbuilt apps.

Search for Life360 alternatives on the community and you will see many threads of what others have changed to like Owntracks and HomeKit presence.


Thanks so much, appreciate the reply!


Check out the owntracks thread.


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