The online videos are gone. Looking around I found the instructions I used on Smarttings site.
I used the sequence of holding the button down when plugging in. This gave Zigbee pairing. The Zwave was a little harder. With the module plugged in, hold the button down until module light flashes, then rapidly press the button 8 times. I had to do this a few times as if your too slow it thinks you want to turn the outlet on and changes state. Have to start over.
That's close to what I was using. I've tried a few different ways and can't get the Z-wave portion of the plug to get into Z-wave pairing mode. I tried your instructions to a tee a few times and gave up on it. So I broke out another plug from my (too many) spares, paired it via Zigee, then paired it via Z-wave no problem.
I've not had good luck out of the used Iris plugs so far. Both of the 2 I've used has had different issues. Let's see how this 3rd one fairs.
But the original item in this thread still stands in that the Hubitat documentation is incomplete and needs correcting.
I was reading another thread and the op didn't hold down the button to start Zwave, just pressed the button 8 times rapidly after the zigbee pairing is complete. (Still has to be quickly)
Been so long I forgot about that. I did buy them used from Ebay and had to exclude them first. Seem to recall (now) I may have had to exclude some more than once. Sorry, old brain has slow index system, if it works at all.
Thanks, but I already attempted multiple exclusions both using the Hubitat and an Aeotec Z-stick. I suspect there may be another issue with that device as it won't do a factory reset either. However it's still currently working well as a plain Zigbee plug in Hubitat.
I didn't need another Z-wave repeater as my mesh is very strong given the small area it has to cover. I was going to do some testing with the plug using the Z-wave Tookbox and report the findings back to the community. Yeah... the old saw applies, "Don't fix what's not broken!" It's a habit as I often try to break things (mostly PC related) so that they are personally well tested before I recommend them to customers.
OK I have the process. I was having the same issue until I went through many different scenarios and can get it every time.
Make sure you get BOTh devices excluded from ST. Go into exclusion mode on ST hit the on and off one time and then once that is gone hit it real fast to get rid of zwave
Go into HU and find the Zigbee. then real quick 8 times, I think I just hit it real quick until it started blinking, and that should get your zwave.
I had the same problem as everyone else. Now I have about 6 of them online
Does this solve the problem of the Z-wave repeater going offline all the time? I finally just removed all of the Z-wave side on mine because they seemed to cause more problems than they solved (and with the addition of 10 Inovelli dimmers, I have a solid Z-wave mesh in the house without them).
This device needs to be paired as a Zigbee device, then a Z-Wave device. It should show up twice in your device list. Last time I paired these devices it was not much fun, but they seem to work. I have a very small system so it doesn't take much..
You really have to be careful here though - the Z-Wave repeater in the Iris plug can be hit or miss. The issue is it needs newer firmware to work properly. One possible way to tell if your device has this is to look for a small barcode on the back. If you have one then "probably" you have the newer firmware...