I don't know if this is as a result of the app, but when we use Google to turn on say the bedroom it's slave is bedroom group which switches all the lights on. However the master app defaults to 100% but the actual light just turns on from its previous state.
So we end up with Google saying lights are 100% but actually the lights are at something different. Then when we ask Google to turn the lights on to 100% because it's registered at already being 100% it does nothing. The only way around it is asking for something like 98% which is annoying.
Give this app a go. For differnent reasons I have Alexa controlling a virtual dimmer and bind it to the actual dimmer (a Zen27) using this app and itโs very solid.
Note In my case I made the virtual dimmer the master and reduced the estimated switch delay to 500.
Note # 2 I first tried the built in mirror app and was disappointed for the same reasons.