Minor Zwave weirdness


I recently upgraded all of my zwave devices to plus. Most show an initial inCluster of 0x5E. However, I have two that are showing as 0x25 and 0x26...though they are authenticated and their speeds are zwave plus level at 100kbs and my zwave stick indicates they are zwave plus.

Anyone know why? Would this cause any issues?

Just curious more than anything, I've not found much information on what inClusters mean exactly or how they work.

Thank you.

That is truly bizarre.. Most probably cosmetic.. But could you click the refresh button and see if it changes?

What device is it? Do you have more of this same device that report correctly?

Refresh (and a repair) doesn't change it.

It's a gen 2 GE Enbrighten switch. I installed about 45 of them a week ago; two have this issue. Their performance seems fine... but it was weird and wasn't sure if there were any negative effects. I may replace them.

Here's a longer list of devices and most seem normal.

If any of the lights other than the Back Garage Light are this same type, it’s odd that the in clusters change from device to device.

How about for laughs excluding, reset switch to default (3 up and 3 down), and then including?

You could try changing the device type to "Device" temporarily and run the getInfo command. That will log the fingerprint. Also, the "Basic Z-wave Tool" device type has getCommandClassReport command that will log each command class and versions.

My understanding is that zwave plus requires the 0x5E as the first class reported.

Thanks for the suggestions.

try changing the device type to "Device" temporarily and run the getInfo command. That will log the fingerprint. Also, the "Basic Z-wave Tool" device type has getCommandClassReport command

Both of these returned the same cluster information: 0x26,0x27,0x70,0x86,0x72. I didn't try excluding/resetting, but may.

I also looked at the device using Silicon Labs Z-Wave Controller tool and it indicates the clusters are in order (and almost totally different than what's reported in Hubitat):

So may be a UI bug? With one exception, none of my 12 or so other devices of the same type (GE Enbrighten smart switch) have this issue... but this switch is one that I added using Z-wave Smart Start.... I'm not sure, but the other switch having this issue I may have also added this way (Smart Start's still black magic for me).

I'll continue to poke around and will share anything useful I discover.

May be time to try.

Yep, excluding/resetting/including fixed it.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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