I am about to switch from Ezlo to Hubitat elevation going through a tedious process of unpairing and exclude each and every devices already installed with my old controller, before starting to add all to Hubitat c8 pro. Is this the only way to go, since I have different brands of devices? I believe from what I read, that it wont be like echobee?
Somewhere along the line, yes, you will have to reset each device to be ready to join a new controller. Do you have to do that on the Ezlo first? No, any controller can Exclude.
THere's nothing wrong with the way you're doing it BUT if you just shut off the Ezlo, then for each device you want to migrate, put your Hubitat hub into Exclude and 'do the device dance' to put it into pairing. 3 clicks, a button push, whatever the device needs. The Hubitat Hub will tell you "unknown device excluded" and that's exactly what you want to see. That device is now ready to be included to Hubitat. You can have both Ezlo and Hubitat running, but as you disassemble your Ezlo mesh and migrate devices, Ezlo will get more and more unstable.
Start with the AC powered devices close to the Hubitat hub and go outward from there. Battery devices last.
Does that really work? that would be great Thanks!
Thank you for the info! and as far as I'm concern, Ezlo is and always has been unstable and buggy
This! I was a Vera user prior to the acquisition by Ezlo, but it never got any better. More than 20 Zwave devices was the limit for my Vera Plus. I have over 100 zwave devices on my C8 Pro, plus roughly 30 Zigbee devices without issues.