Migration Defective Hub

It has been over 8 days since I first contacted customer support. Despite multiple attempts, I have yet to get any information regarding my situation. I purchased and received a new Habitat Hub from amazon. I set up the Hub and pay for a subscription for Hub Protect + Remote Admin (Same Day).
The next day I logged into the hub and saw multiple errors

ZigBee network is not online.
Severe hub CPU load detected.

I only had a total of 12 devices and no app setup.

Despite updates/resets, same issue. The hub is clearly defective

I have attempted to backup/migrate to a new replacement hub. but my subscription will not transfer over. Any advise on how to help my situation will be appreciated.



Correct. While Remote Admin subscriptions are per account, Hub Protect is a per hub warranty subscription. However, @support can transfer your Hub Protect subscription to a new hub.

What devices were they? Any z-wave ghosts?

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None, where Ghost
They where 12 water Sensors


, So does that mean I lost $29.99 , for me to replace the hub myself due to a defective unit?
Disregard this statment, I miss read previous reply


As @aaiyar noted above, it just means that it is a manual process that support has to perform.


I apologize, I miss read , thank you for pointing it out

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The severe hub load and zigbee network offline doesn't necessarily mean a defective hub though. I've seen mesh problems cause those exact errors. Misconfigured rules can crash them as well.


Shutting down the zigbee radio is one of the first things that the hub tries in an attempt resolve a continuing severe load.


interesting ty

Usually see that caused by frequent polling devices such as power reporting, device polling, frequent pinging, excessive logging, or presence tracking with multiple users. Ghosts devices compound those issues with traffic resends or acks and such.



Was your original hub purchased from Amazon brand-new, or was it an Amazon return? That had been incorrectly reset. For example, the previous owner might have force deleted z-wave devices and not performed a factory reset.

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it was purchased new, And I attempted to fix by a factory reset, same issue

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Can you post some screenshots of the z-wave details page?