Migration C8 -to- C8 Pro - No Cloud Backup?

About 6-months ago I migrated from the C7 to the C8. It went flawless. I'm now migrating from C8 to the C8 Pro.

I'm on the Back Up and Restore menu, but it looks like going from C8 to C8 Pro doesn't offer the initial 1st step of Backup to the Cloud for Migration option. I'd prefer not using the general (local) Backup from today as it won't contain the Radio Data for Zigbee and Z-Wave. I was going to purchase the Hub Protect to get Cloud backups, but I want to wait to purchase until after migrating to the c8 Pro so I don't have to purchase it twice.

Suggestions on creating a Cloud Backup for C8 - c8 Pro migration?


You should see something like this on the "General" tab. Do you not?

Upgrade to the latest version of the platform. You should see it properly.