Migration C7 to C8 Pro Question

So, I've had the C7 for a couple of years now, but I couldn't resist purchasing the C8-pro... one of the features I'm looking forward to using on the C8-Pro is the ability to use WiFi. With the C7, and my limitation of running network cable to the center of my house, I've always had my C7 at the corner of my house instead of the center of the house. When I begin the migration process, should I do this with the C8-Pro at the center of the house or in the same area where my C7 is located then move the C8-Pro to the center after migration? Thanks...

The Zwave route table isn’t migrated to the new hub on purpose. It gets rebuilt automatically so I would suggest putting the hub in its permanent spot up front.

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I would do it with the C8 in the new location. The migration forces the mesh to rebuild so having it in the new spot will allow it to rebuild from there right away.

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