Migration C5 to C8 issue

So I did another fresh back up - all devices working properly on the C5. Restored on the C8pro with the latest backup. Same devices not functioning. Did the shutdown and idle for 1 minute - restarted. No change.

Did the a-wave repair on one of the non working devices. Looks like it failed. No success getting the device working that I did the repair on.

I press the tile and the hourglass just hangs there.

For all the other issues - I miss Wink at times like this.

The status on z-wave screen - every device has a check mark in the status column.

The C8pro has an update settings button that the C5 did not have so I went with it. Not sure when to know the update is completed?

Well that was a mistake. Nothing is working now.

No idea why...this is really strange. Tagging @support_team for some help w/this. There were some C5 migration issues previously but I think we thought they were handled in a previous release.

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Thanks for tagging support. Interesting they are not reachable elsewise. Apparently there is some bigger issue with this particular C8pro hub.

Went back to the C5 and all is normal. So i am likely to stay with the C5as apparently Hubitat has not figured out migrations made simple.

Sent in request for return authorization and just moving on with what works.

Thank you all for the help.

Your situtation is unusual...something is going on that isn't normal and isn't obvious.

Your call if you want to fall back to the C5, of course your choice. :slight_smile: But I feel you're pulling the ripcord prematurely. (But maybe that's just me wanting to figure out what the heck is going on w/your hub/migration.) :wink:

It may take up to 3 days for the routes to be re-established on the C-8 (C-8 Pro) especially coming from a C5 which runs a different Z-Wave platform, things can be rocky for a few days, but they may recover on their own. The big disadvantage of coming from C5, is that ghosts are not visible on the C5, so migration may import a lot of "garbage" that the C8 must work through. If some devices are working, then the migration was successful. The rest is figuring out any mesh problems that the C-8 inherited.


Missed replying about this earlier - that button is to confirm any changes you make to the Z-Wave settings on that page, not to update Z-Wave/firmware. Doing it w/out making any changes to your Z-Wave settings won't do anything.



So are you saying I need to leave the C8 on - C5 off- with my automations not functioning as it (possibly) rebuilds over the next few days?

And if they dont recover - then what?


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Can you post screenshots of your zwave settings page on the C-8 Pro?

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While waiting on next steps I have plugged in the C8 and will let it have some time to work on the Z-wave cleanup as an attempt to continue. (daily automations have 10 hours before the next scheduled event.)

Can you post your z-wave details page in its entirety? Use windows snip

Here is the iPhone image. On this chart the “cabinets, driveway, curio, overheads, art cove” don’t respond.

This is not the information that is being requested.

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You are looking for the table itself? Will need to send that later tonight as this hub does not yet have remote admin.

You are currently remote from the hubs? Remote Admin is not required to view/screen cap the Z-Wave Details page table.

Unfortunately I am not seeing the hub at all from this remote location on my iPhone. It just does not connect to it from here - I will get the table snapshot later today though.

Whenever you do it, please take the snapshot using a desktop browser. The table is not easy to read using a screenshot from a mobile browser.


This :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Really hard to read/help you from a mobile cap.