MIgrated to C-8 Pro but no Zigbee

In my experience this is normal behavior for the C-8.

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Mine is pretty sparse as well (C8-Pro with about 50 Zigbee devices)

Have you tried viewing built-in the Zigbee Device Graph?

If you leave it open long enough, it will display most of your devices, and how they are connected.

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I agree Also try this : seems to work way better then the stock one ..

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Yes I have tried it, very useful. It's the leaving it open I'm not very good at.

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As weird as it sounds .. I use it to "fix" zigbee network when i reboot ect.
sometimes after reboot .. a lot of the devices stop working.
I use the map tool .. and it goes and find everthing .. and they start working agin ..
No idea why this works but seems to :slight_smile: