Migrated from C-5 to C-8 Pro and Inovelli LZW30-SN did not migrate successfully and refuses to show in device list

I've tried all sorts of fixes to get it to finish pairing successfully, the closest I can get is the initialization stage and the device shows up under my zwave device details list, but I cannot get it to be recognized with a driver and show up in the normal device list. Used a UZB stick as interface and I can control it so I know it is paired in the network, but never finishes in the inclusion to let me name the device and such (only gives me the bootstrapping message).

I tried the reboot again at that point and hit discover, still nothing. That just seems to make the logs go into zwave busy each time I try.

Any thoughts?


Have now tried downgrading switch FW to 1.16, still no good.

Is this your only Z-wave device that doesn't work after migration?

Is this the only Z-wave device you have, hard to tell from that screenshot.

Any errors in logs when you activate the switch?

This is the only device that stopped working after the migration and I have at least a dozen other zwave devices (along with zigbee and matter as well). I even have 3 other lzw30-sn's that are working just fine - it's just this one switch. I thought maybe it was the switch so I brought the c5 back online and tried paring the switch on that and it was fine, so the switch seems fine. The only error I seem to get during pairing is when the bootstrapping times out and I get the generic 'it seems you are having issues' message. I can't seem to find any other logs to review that have pairing info. It also pairs just fine with the aeotec uzb stick I have and I can control it directly from there. As of now, it is on the network and in my zwaves details list, just not in the device list and I have no way of controlling it. I figured I would leave it overnight and see if it magically sorts itself.

Is there anywhere to turn up the verbosity on the zwave logging perhaps?

The other thing I was considering is that i read that pairing using LR requires SmartStart and I tried changing the region for zwave from US-LR to just US, but it does not stick after clicking update settings, it just reverts to US-LR.

It's admittedly confusing, but US-LR is the only thing that can be set on a C8/8P -- the plain US entry is for C7 and below (and that's all that can be set on those models).

It would be nice if those list entries were dynamic per model, but they aren't.

LR pairing does require SmartStart. If you want to pair it plain mesh, you can use SmartStart or just traditional inclusion.

ETA - a couple add'l notes... LR and mesh ZW are slightly different frequencies (as noted in the menu there) -- on a 8/8P, there no way to turn one or the other off, but if you prefer to pair everything mesh, it's no problem -- the LR portion of the radio won't interfere with anything.

LR is a hub-&-spoke system -- LR devices do not participate in the regular ZW mesh, nor do they create their own mesh. Each LR device communicates just with the hub only.

So in the case of a switch like this, unless it's either outside of or at the far edge of your regular ZW mesh (e.g. a detached garage or shed etc), there's not really any advantage to pairing it LR. But that's just my own opinion.

Not that I have ever heard of.

Could you start by posting a complete screenshot of the whole Z-wave details page? (just like your one above, but everything)

Thanks for that info -- first time I was seeing the LR option so did not know the specifics, but that makes sense (and agree it would be nice to dynamically filter that). In this case, it is just regular pairing.

I do get the use or ignore security option during pairing as well -- my understanding is that, as just a switch there is no real need for the security and associated overhead (however slight). I've tried both options to no avail.

I have now switched to FW 1.21 for the switch, but all pairing scenarios still have the same outcome.

What troubles me the most is that, aside from the fact that I can't pair the switch, anytime I try to do a 'discover' from the zwave settings device list for that device, i immediately start getting zwave busy errors in the log. It's like something in that ack/nak is breaking the zwave stack when i want to talk to that device.

That is everything on the zwave devices page. I've made sure there are no zombie devices and for the most part a zwave repair comes up flawlessly except for a a couple expected sleepy battery devices.

The lack of debug logs on the radio side is killing me. I'm probably going on 6 hours of trial and error of every possible setup combination will full shutdowns, power cycles, and device resets every time in addition to include/exclude cycles.

This is what happens the moment I press 'discover'

Something isn't right, I am not sure what. It could be a failed migration, but odd it would only be one device that is having trouble.

I think would probably put in a support ticket at the portal at the top of this page.

Maybe @jtp10181 has some insight, he has been working with Z-wave a lot lately.

Get rid of the node that says discover on it. Shut down and unplug hub for 30 seconds. Factory reset the switch. Exclude the switch. Then try to include it again.

So I have done that several times, but not going to pass up the help so did it again for documentation. Shut down hub, 30 secs unplugged, factory reset switch, powered up hub, excluded switch (success), included switch (green flash from switch during include), same eventual trouble message.


Selected Include without security
Green Flash on switch after a few seconds

You removed the old node first? You restated everything except that part is why I am asking.

If you have not tried using smartstart with it, I would try that too.

Was not sure on that removal first part, as the only 'native' way to remove I have was to exclude -- I never see the remove option in the zwave details list. I've re-added my UZB stick and gone through the process again, this time removing the device first, then repeating the rest of it. Same result.

What is the impact if I revert to the C5, reset the C8, and try the migration over again from scratch? Am I going to risk borking the network entirely? The C5 should pretty much just pick up again if I plug it back in, yes? Then I can do a sanity check on functionality and repeat the cloud back and restore on the freshly reset C8.

Only impact would be you lose any changes you made on the C8 since migrating.

You have to click refresh first to get the remove button.

It made a new "Discover" node? After removing the old one?