Meural Canvas II Device Driver


Hubitat Device Driver for Meural Canvas II

Implements the following capabilities:

capability "Refresh"
capability "Light" - Added to expose at a light in Alexa
capability "Switch" - Off: Suspends the Meural Canvas, On: Resumes teh Meural Canvas
capability "SwitchLevel" - Overrides the automatic brightness adjustment.
  		Manually set brightness level as a percent. Meural restricts the range to 9 through 94.  Use 0 or 100 to restore automatic level setting.
capability "Actuator" - To ensure that lux is exposed for use as a light meter

Meural Canvas II v0.00 Beta

Install as a virtual device and after saving add your Meural IP Address.  A static IP is required.

Known issues:
1. Setting a "Power Level" in the Alexa app results in "Unresponsive".  The level is, however, correctly changed.
2. Alexa does not display the current power level.

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Dang, wish this had been around before I went the route of using Zwave outlets to switch my three on/off.

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Hubitat Device Driver for Meural Canvas II

Implements the following capabilities:

capability "Refresh"
capability "Light" - Added to expose at a light in Alexa
capability "Switch" - Off: Suspends the Meural Canvas, On: Resumes teh Meural Canvas
capability "SwitchLevel" - Overrides the automatic brightness adjustment.
  		Manually set brightness level as a percent. Meural restricts the range to 9 through 94.  Use 0 or 100 to restore automatic level setting.
capability "Actuator" - To ensure that lux is exposed for use as a light meter
capability "IlluminanceMeasurement"

Meural Canvas II v0.01 Beta

Install as a virtual device and after saving add your Meural IP Address.  A static IP is required.

So I'm rather new to Hubitat and am trying to implement Meural Canvas support. Exactly what do I do with this code in Hubitat to do so? (I don't see this entry in the Package Manager).


Thank you for your interest and as you may have noticed you are only the second person in over a year that has expressed an interest.

I made further improvements for awhile and then I stopped. That code only resides in my environment.

What, in particular, are you interested in accomplishing with your Canvas? Knowing that I might be better able to guide you.


I too have a meural and would like, at a minimum, to be able to control its ON/OFF state (so that I can use presence sensors to only have it ON while someone might be able to see it.)

I see the Groovy code at


but I don't know how to manually install and initiate this. Can anyone provide specific instructions?

SOLVED - it was actually as simple as pasting the raw driver code into a new user Driver in Drivers code / New Driver.

Nice implementation, devs!