Meross mini wifi plugs with HE?

I've got a few of these, and the form factor is pretty nice, but I haven't seen any way to get them to work in HE? I also have a couple Amazon plugs, same thing.

Alexa recognizes all these, but I want all my house's logic in 1 place. Is it possible to emulate a button or something to trigger Alexa to kick off a routine that would make these work?

Are there any smart plugs that would be suitable, if there's no way to use these? I don't have a ton of use cases for these and I've got like 6 already so it'd be great to not have to buy new ones.

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I'm in the same situation. Would love to know if someone has an answer.

I know meross works with IFTTT

I have published a few drivers to GitHub for their 2 channel plugs that could be probably be extended to the mini WiFi plugs. Just search hubitat-meross on GitHub


I just tried it without success... Is there some trick on the driver setup?

yes, there may be some additional settings to make sure the payload is correct for your setup. did you add your device ip-address and hit refresh?

if still not working maybe you can send over the debug logs?

Hi @ithinkdancan!

Without success, follow the logs:

{"payload":{},"header":{"messageId":"926aabad9487c580d9c8821ecf2d704d","method":"GET","from":"","sign":"40fc38fc665fe340297e91907f842e3e","namespace": "Appliance.System.All","triggerSrc":"iOSLocal","timestamp":1612399570,"payloadVersion":1}}

dev:8862021-02-16 19:32:08.760 infoRefreshing

dev:8862021-02-16 19:32:08.754 debugdescription is: mac:34298F1E736E, ip:ac1e11bf, port:50, headers:SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LDQpDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL2pzb24NCg==, body:eyJoZWFkZXIiOnsibWVzc2FnZUlkIjoiOTI2YWFiYWQ5NDg3YzU4MGQ5Yzg4MjFlY2YyZDcwNGQiLCJuYW1lc3BhY2UiOiJBcHBsaWFuY2UuU3lzdGVtLkFsbCIsIm1ldGhvZCI6IkVSUk9SIiwicGF5bG9hZFZlcnNpb24iOjEsImZyb20iOiIvYXBwbGlhbmNlLzE5MDUxMDYzNzE4NDkyMjUxODQyMzQyOThmMWU3MzZlL3B1Ymxpc2giLCJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE2MTM1MTQ3MjgsInRpbWVzdGFtcE1zIjo5MzcsInNpZ24iOiI2MjMxMzJhYTZiOTdjN2EyMzA3MjcwOWVhYzRkYmQ2MyJ9LCJwYXlsb2FkIjp7ImVycm9yIjp7ImNvZGUiOjUwMDEsImRldGFpbCI6InNpZ24gZXJyb3IifX19Cg==

dev:8862021-02-16 19:32:08.714 debugPOST /config HTTP/1.1 Accept: / User-Agent: Linux UPnP/1.0 Hubitat HOST: Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 268

I also noticed that there are two drivers, but I presumed the meross-smart-plug-mini.groovy was the correct. My plugs are MSS120.

Thanks, it appears I forgot that i hardcoded my credentials :laughing: I have pushed some updates to the package with new settings and links to instructions on how to get your credentials

If your plug only has one outlet its probably the "Mini" meross plug

If there are 2 outlets, use the 2-Channel driver. I'm working on trying to combine it into a single driver.


Thanks @ithinkdancan! I'll try it as soon as arrive at home!

@ithinkdancan, I tried several software to obtain the required data without success, because we use only Android devices in my home, none iOS device. Do you know if there is some software or app with the same funcionality of HTTP Catcher to Android or Windows?

Not sure, all Apple over here so would need to do some more research. Have you tried Charles Proxy?

Yep, but I didn't know how to track the internal LAN traffic, but I tried yesterday night. I'll look for instructions and try again.

Are there any clear instructions to get this working? I looked at the GitHub readme but it's still not clear. I've installed the device driver but how do you add a device, multiple devices? Where to I put the params to the web call assuming I can find out how to intercept them?

Is there a full, complete setup guide somewhere missing?

once you have installed the drivers and created a new device, get the IP of your device from the meross app or your router and save it somewhere

Then follow the directions in the repo to get the various keys and signatures fields

Put all those values into the device page and hit save then hit configure in the actions. You should see your device status and version show up. Reach out if you have questions.

How do you add a device with that driver? I only see zwave, zigbee, iris, and virtual.

OK, I had a few of the meross mini plugs here today and I set one up in HE and it seems to be working.

  1. Install the Meross have on your phone/tablet and setup your plug and get it working from your device an the meross app. From here you will need your app username/password and the MAC address of the plug you are going to setup in HE.

  2. Determine IP address of the plug. Look at your router, dhcp server, etc and see what IP address is assigned to that MAC address. You then might also want to assign a static IP address to the plug.

  3. From the link above install the groovy driver. For me that was Drivers Code > New Driver > Copy and paste the code for the driver and save it. I used the driver at From that point I had "Meross Smart Plug Mini" in my drivers.

  4. Add the device. The path I followed was: Devices -> Add Device -> Virtual

  • Give it your preferred name
  • For device network if enter your MAC address. just letters and numbers no colons or other
  • For type scroll way down to the bottom to the USER types and you should find in the user installed drivers the listing for the Meross driver - select that.
  • Save it.

You aren't done yet.

  • Fill in your IP address.
  • Fill in your Key. I used the method with the script from the chrome browser dev console and the script from there with my meross app username/password and it worked perfectly and returned the key for me.
  • Save it.
  • Test it. It should work if you did everything correctly.Opy and page the

Thanks ithinkdancan for the drivers.

I tried to use them for the Smart Strip mss420f which has 4 plugs but with no luck. Do you have any idea of how I could get them to work?
