C-8 Platform
How much memory does the C-8 come out of the box with, and what is the memory level below which triggers the Low in Memory alert?
C-8 Platform
How much memory does the C-8 come out of the box with, and what is the memory level below which triggers the Low in Memory alert?
Hubitat Elevation has 1GB of RAM and a generous 8GB of flash storage space to hold its firmware, along with a smart home's worth of settings and commands
Thanks. Does anyone know what memory level triggers the Low on Memory alert?
80 or 90 MB I believe. That doesn't mean everything will still be running well at that point; it really depends on your hub's needs. My CPU usage usually starts to climb when free memory gets below 260MB, so I have a rule to reboot my hubs at 3:30 am if memory drops to that level at any time during the day and is still at or below that level at 3:30 am.
You can write a simple rule if you're worried that if the hub drops below, lets say 120 at 3am that it will simply reboot and you won't be the wiser but the current platform ( has been very steady on memory consumption.
That said, what are you worried about taking up too much memory?
About once per week, the little Alert icon in the upper right hand corner of several of the main pages (e.g., Hub Details, Apps, Devices) turns red. Usually that means there is another platform update available. But for me it is usually says "Low in memory" and that I should reboot. I don't know why I get that message; perhaps I have too many devices and/or too many apps?
Unlikely you are using all the memory. I have 200 devices and a shite ton of apps and rules and I barely scratch it. Start with updating to the latest platform. See if that stabilizes things. If not start looking at your device stats and app stats to see where things are being chewed up. Also again you can write a rule to autoreboot but best if you actually track down the issue.
To augment what @rlithgow1 said, you could install the excellent Hubinfo driver from @thebearmay. It provides you with all of the information that is relevant to your hub (free memory, cpu usage, z radio status, temp, etc), plus gives you an easy way to reboot your hub using a rule without having to us an http post request. I have mine alert me if parameters get out of whack, so I can intervene before something goes south.
Note that there were (what seems like) a bazillion memory and core changes from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7... It very well may behave nicer in 2.3.7 then you were used to before (when you get around to upgrading to 2.3.7 of course - it isn't mandatory).
2.3.7 does have a lot of changes in the memory handling department. Please update the hub when you get a chance, the update may fix the memory issues it's having. If not, please PM me your hub id, I'll check it out.
OK, well I have Hub Information Driver v3 installed, but I can't figure out how to set the preferences so I can get the freeMemory variable to be readily available to me. Sorry for all the newbie questions, because I'm not really a total newbie, but I just don't spend all my time trying to figure out all the underlying ins and outs of the tools and techniques available to a Hubitat user.
Also, there were some people having a rapid memory decline in 2.3.6 which a database rebuild fixed. This was made very easy in 2.3.7 with a new reboot option so after you update if still having problems you may want to do a reboot with a rebuild. Take a backup first as well to be safe.
New reboot dialog looks like this, just check the box to rebuild the DB during the reboot.
The 2.3.7 release seems to have solved my low memory issues. Over and out.
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