mDNS not working on Windows 10

I am running the latest version of W10 and as far as I can tell, mDNS is enabled. My hub has the 'Hub name on LAN' set to 'rnethub'. I am unable to connect to the hub with both Firefox and Chrome using 'rnethub.local'. What am I doing wrong?

If I remember correctly I had to open the port in the firewall so the mDNS reply from methub.local would make it into W11.


Click Windows+R and type regsedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DNSClient\
Find mDNSEnabled and change the value to 1.
If it's not present, create a DWORD 32 value, name it mDNSEnabled, and change the value to 1.

Thanks very much for the advice. It doesn't work on my PC. I can connect easily from an iPad but not from the PC. I wanted to have this ability because I move my HUB to wifi to allow me to put it in a more central location in the house.

I saw another suggestion that said the Bonjour service had to be running. That also had no effect.

My PC has had so much crap added and removed over the years that it may not remember it's a PC. I have probably done something to make the mDNS inaccessible.