Maybe 18 plus age restricted contact sensor with rude jokes

This is re visiting an old rule you guys on here helped me create, just to make things entertaining while adding security. The problem is if the door is opened and closed quickly the automation doesn't won't say the last action due to having to finish the previous action, will it be possible cancel the previous automation when the door is closed so I don't hear its opened again please

Couple of ways:

Put a wait for event elapsed time as your first action. If the rule retriggers in the time you set it will start the timer again.

You can also use a required expression and the private boolean. Set the required expression to be private boolean true. Set the first action to private boolean false and then set it back true when the rule is complete.


Sorry for late reply, Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I will give that ago. I am in a panic at the moment as I have lost almost all my zigbee and zwave devices. I am going to try a soft reset and hopefully I will be back to give this new rule a try

sorry for delay I have been in a panic getting my hub up and running again. My understanding of rule machine is limited. and I am not sure how to implement this correctly would you mind showing me a visual representation so I can try to work out what buttons I need to push. sorry for my lack of understanding

Thank you our amazing, I worked it out just from your description and it works perfectly now. Thank you :blush:

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