Matter/Thread and future of C-8

Emphasis mine on "fully" above - IMHO, that's the key word to watch as this all Matter/Thread stuff unfolds.

I'm not optimistic big companies will make their goodies fully interoperable outside their own gardens, but what degree of fully they acquiesce will be interesting to see.


I highly expect they won't as well. They'll most likely expose the most basic functionality/status, and all advanced functionality will be in their own apps.

Which may be good enough for some uses, but will still mean consumers need multiple apps/multiple vendor tools involved to configure things FULLY.

Seems like a mess to me, although "some" interoperability is more than we had in the past, so MAY be a good thing overall...

It is all just self indulgent flatulence smelling until there are more devices to purchase....


I’d hate to learn more about what else you do to indulge yourself while waiting for new devices to try out…

Jon Stewart Popcorn GIF


just a side effect of dead and decaying Matter.


Or a fetish... (Not that I'm judging..)

Hey now, I didn't say that ** I ** was the one doing the smelling.

It is a phrase I usually reserve for government agencies sitting around making stupid rules that do little and patting themselves on the back at the same time on how important they are. Basically, smelling each others farts and telling them how good they smell.

But I think it applies to the current state of Matter nicely. :wink:

That said, I hope Matter becomes something useful someday.


I'm affraid, that you could be right on that, but I still have naive hope, that this time situation will be different. There was so much emphasis, making attention of interoperability, during release of Matter, that maybe... Anyway, we can only patiently wait for products and see results...

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Put this in another matter thread. Gonna say it again.

It would of been great if the CSA Matter 1.0 specification (all 894 pages) would of started with:
"Matter aims to build higher reliability, availability, serviceability, usability and installability (RASUI) for smart home devices."

But instead they went with:
"Matter aims to build a universal IPv6-based communication protocol for smart home devices."

Pretty sure there is a XKCD comic that explains this better than I could.

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This has been my prediction for a long time. Say we have a RGB bulb from Amazon, but you share it to Apple. You can turn the bulb on and off from your Apple products, but you cannot access the cool scenes and color transitions from anywhere but Amazon.



See one above

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I think many of us have lived through this before during the earlier stages of the PC. Pretty much every new device went through (sometimes painful) period or the wild west.

  • Graphics cards (Hercules)
  • Hard drives
  • USB (pretty much anything).

I think the only two devices that weren't painful were keyboards and Mice. Although there was the serial/PS2 period, which oddly enough won't go away. I just purchased a new MSI board and it still has the PS2 round sockets.

I think the turning points are market size and $$. It seems no company wants to support a "not invented here" feature, even to the detriment of their own sales. I think its all a matter (no pun intended) of market maturity and size.
Lets just hope we're not stuck with another VHS.

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Matter has already peaked. This is what you get... yawn.


Reasonable prediction. The same situation exists for many "zigbee 3.0" devices from TuYA and Aqara. They use non-standard clusters to restrict some features to their hubs. Unless someone reverse engineers the product's communication with its cognate hub.


MRM, RLL, SCIS, IDE, etc...

Don't forget about slots....ISA, EISA, MCA... etc...


... PCI (not PCI express), VesaLocalBus, cache memory as plug-in module, etc, I had original IBM PC XT 4.77Mhz :smiley:


[quote="abraham, post:37, topic:118156, full:true"]

Let's not forget the mighty Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) slot!!!


Let's remember the Matter great-grandfather! :slight_smile:


SIPP and I had an Atari 800 with an ATR8000 interface module so I could run CP/M

Minions Mic Drop GIF

I guess the point of this topic now is to wax nostalgic about old 'standards' no longer relevant, thus making some inference about the relevance of Matter.

As such, time to close it.