Matter integration is stil buggy

When I’m using thread devices, it shows the public IPv6 on HE matter page.

I don’t know well how it’s work :joy::joy:

Troubleshooting Matter-connected devices in HE is not easy, but the first thing to check when having issues is the Settings -> Matter Details page.

In this case, the Nuki Matter lock has no connectivity to the hub - nothing will work :

There are more variables and possible points of failure for the Zigbee devices used via Matter Bridges. If you can replicate some of the issues (as an example a bridged Zigbee device does not update its status in HE until the events from the bridge are re-subscribed), let me know and I will try to reproduce it myself. When a Matter Bridge is rebooted, it usually takes a minute or two until the connection is re-established. However, this re-connection process is not something that can be controlled on a driver level, so probably there is no much room from improvements here.


@kkossev looks like some of your devices are showing the Local IPV6 (fe80) and some are showing a public address. Is the difference between those thread vs Wifi devices or any distinction between those?

The actual info in the internet about this topic is very sparse, so devices may in fact use your ISP assigned prefix in some cases when you do have IPv6 setup on your LAN already. They should still all be able to use a LL address locally though, so not sure why HE would not just use that for 100% of devices.

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Apparently IPv6 is a requirement. I previously had IPv6 disabled on my IOT VLAN (Ubiquiti network) and I recently started dabbling in Matter and Matter Bridge on Home Assistant. Nothing worked at all until I allowed IPv6 traffic, even though all devices already had an IPv6 link local address.

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Its not required, others have confirmed it working fine even when their LAN was setup only for IPv4 and IPv6 not enabled. Possibly by using a VLAN and having it disable there, it was causing the router to actively block all IPv6 traffic.

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Yes, I think this is what was happening. I think the router and switch was actively preventing any IPv6 traffic on the VLAN. But there was several mentions about making sure IPv6 traffic was enabled on your router on all the Matter Bridge for Home Assistant documentation and it definitely didn't work at all until I enabled IPv6 support on that VLAN.

Maybe they had too many issues like you had so instead of going into to detail they just tell people to turn on IPv6. I have randomly just been reading up on Matter and IPv6 and lots of talk about IPv6 routing being way more complicated for an advanced network than IPv4 especially for automation enthusiasts to configure or understand.

I will just stick to my single /24 LAN and single consumer grade ASUS router.
May add one mesh node down the road for better outdoor coverage.
Despite having a degree in computer networking.


I am admittedly not super savvy on IPv6. I know the basics. Currently I let IPv6 auto configure on my network using prefix delegation to get addresses from my ISP. I don't really know enough about it yet to effectively configure my firewall the same way I have my IPv4 firewall set up. So, more or less for security reasons, I purposefully had IPv6 disabled on my IOT VLAN until a couple weeks ago when I decided to try sharing all my HA devices with Hubitat via Matter Bridge instead of HADB. Many devices on my IOT VLAN had link local IPv6 addresses, but IPv6 communication to other VLANs or the internet always failed.

Anyway, I enabled it for my IOT network now, so I better figure out the important parts now so I can properly firewall these devices and use DHCP6 with proper private addressing instead of prefix delegation.
I've always had it enabled with addresses assigned via prefix delegation on my other VLANs, but since I controlled all of the devices on those networks I wasn't concerned about it. I have no idea how many times a day my stupid Kasa plugs are sending data to TPLink or updating firmware without asking anymore...

May I ask you which Matter Bridge you are using instead of HADB?

I am still using HADB at the moment, but playing around with the experimental Matterbridge Add-on for Home Assistant to share devices with Hubitat and Google Home. Since Matter seems to be the new thing, I wanted to see if I could use this to move all my Zigbee devices from Hubitat to Zigbee2MQTT in Home Assistant and then share them all back to Hubitat via the native matter integration in HE.

This Matterbridge Add-on for HA basically allows you to share any device or entity from HA as a matter device to any other matter capable platform.

GitHub - t0bst4r/matterbridge-home-assistant-addon

BIG Thank you for the info. At a moment I am using HADB without any problems. But Matter seems to be more natural integration. I guess, I will try it at some point when it becomes more stable.

I have just a few devices for testing, three Nanoleaf essentials bulbs. After a few initial months of firmware issues, these matter devices have been rock solid. They were provisioned via HomeKit on an AppleTV 4k. I haven’t had to go in and tinker with them at all in several months. Are you sure it’s not your devices that are wonky? Admittedly I only have a few devices and have no intention of replacing any of my Zwave devices with matter, however I will consider matter where it makes sense. The only swaps I will make is switching my ZigBee Hue indoor and outdoor and Aqara P1 motion sensors to Z wave LR (zooz ZSE18 and 70 motion sensors).

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I made a video about the Matter problem I have with multiple kind of devices.

Even with device turning on or off, the status is crashed as "On". That's terrible because crash completely automations. Same problem happens with sensors from Aqara M2 over Matter.

To fix that, I'm using Krassimir driver, where I can use "_ Discovery All" button to refresh connection, but that's something boring to do constantly.

Vitor, as you have the Matter Bridge in the middle, this adds another possible point of failure. So it isn't clear where the problem originates.

Do you have a 'native' Matter device (either Thread or WiFi) to test, using the HE stock matter drivers?

Unfortunately, at the current stage of Matter implementation in Hubitat, there is no information available on the device driver level related to the Matter connection state or the error codes returned by the Matter devices.

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Looks like Matterbridge isn't currently a workable solution in the way I intended (to share HA devices to HE), as Hubitat is unable to commission matter devices natively. Bummer.

You might be able to get them into Hubitat via [RELEASE] Matter Advanced Bridge (limited device support). @kkossev's work allows for other Matter Hubs to connect to Hubitat, it might work for the Matterbridge plug-in for Home Assistant.

HomeAssistant Matter Bridge server / plugins seems to be at is very early development stage and the device types that can be exposed to other systems is still limited. If anyone has tried it, will be interesting to hear.

I think that the HADB will remain for a long time the best way to bring HomAssistant devices to Hubitat.


So far I have only tried directly commissioning the bridge in Hubitat. That failed, obviously, as Hubitat cannot commission devices on its own.

It paired with Google Home instantly. All my devices that I shared work perfectly, plus this "Device Aggregator" device which I'm assuming is just the "bridge".

I suppose I could try sharing the Aggregator with Hubitat using the linking code from Google Home and see what happens... I doubt that will work.

Perhaps I'll give this bridge a shot too just for fun. But the whole idea was to run a completely separate fabric between HA and HE in a native fashion.

Anyway, I disabled Matter again on my C-5 as it jacked up my CPU usage from ~0.5% to 15%+ and lowered my freemem from ~350MB to ~200MB. Seems like the performance impact is just not worth it. Seems like Matter is currently not worth it. Guess I'm sticking with HADB....

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I did the test right now without Matter bridge plugin, using default Matter generic switch driver... same problem sometimes. Status locked on off, even pressing On button.

Matter bridge driver at least allow me to reboot connection using the Discovery All.

Everything I did was reboot router.

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