Marketing - Doesn't require a hub

I have noticed a pattern in the positioning of typically wifi controlled devices. they are all tagging doesn't require a hub. Like this one

of course they require a android or ios device but they also are really cheap,,,,

Just thinking that it is going to be interesting times market wise....

Just got me thinking about where things may be heading .

I see it all the time, but what always happens is 3mos later, customers go "I'm tired of opening 10 apps to turn on my lights and lock my door - I wish there was some kind of central place, a console, or singular interface where I could do it" "You mean a hub, no, I don't want one of those"


It’s not exactly a new trend.


No not new I get that I just wonder how /if we combat that perception
honestly routines in alexa are pretty easy to set up the app proliferation is an issue but we have that with drivers here right

to me the big win for hubitat is local control but I wonder if I am in a very small minority ...

@marktheknife nice read thanks

I think you’ll find a lot of like-minded people here, in terms of local control/privacy and the benefits of a multi-protocol hub.

But it’s clear that many consumers don’t really value the same things.

I agree. And since HE has a network connection, wifi is a possibility. Look at Shelly. The problem that people, including myself see is that you can flood your wifi network if you have too many wifi devices communicating. And sure you could combat that with proper networking technique, but I just don't find the benefit of having wifi devices. Expecially with the whole IOT thing going on and ddns attacks. Too much to be exploited? Am I way off basis here? NOT to mention having to open 10 apps to control things. I even hate to open a dachboard for HE to find a button to push.


Most of the users buying those cheap WIFI devices aren't going to have a hundred or more devices like many people here do, in fact with WIFI they will be limited by most home routers to 254 IP addresses we're already halfway there with our Sonos speakers, Alexas, Google Home devices, Hubs, phones, tablets, ...

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Just wait until all those Chinese servers go offline. Or have a massive data breach Maybe some of these devices could be flashed, but most people won't know how, or will not try, to flash them. There is going to be so much e-waste in a few years once people have a bunch of bricked devices.

There is a large crowd preaching local, and after the past few closures, or threat of closures (Wink, Insignia, Iris, Automatic, and the list goes on) some are wising up.

The stupid thing is these wifi "hubless" smart switches and bulbs cost almost exactly what a Zooz Zwave switch costs. There is a buy-in price for a hub, but that is insignificant to the cost of a smart home.

And the other thing people do "wrong" in this space is want remote control of something rather than automating it. Fine, but you could buy a $5 light timer, a motion activated light, or some equally dumb device and not a smart bulb and get nearly equal results without the cloud dependence.


I still haven't found a good replacement for my Automatic OBD plug :frowning:

On price front not sure I agree there smart outlets like the one I had in the link are under $6 they are probably total crap but...

100% agree with you. Plus the "so and so just sent out an email saying they are shutting down their cloud on date XYZ... what do I do now? If only there were some kind of device that was at my house that I could guarantee was available..."


I agree. So instead of a hub you will spend hundreds for upgraded wifi equipment. That equipment cannot do any automations, or much of the other stuff a hub could do.

I'm with you. I never got the appeal of the wifi device. And no, I don't think you are wrong about any of your concerns.

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I don't think people realize how much they have without adding smart home crap into the mix. So instead of a $50-100 router you need a much more expensive mesh system or possibly an enterprise solution.

A Google or Amazon mesh system appears to be $250 and up. Netgear Orbi is between $300 and $640!!!

So yea, you are really saving money by buying all those cheap wifi IOT devices. Not.

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