Making switches control each other (or something like that)

I have two separate but similar situations that I am hoping someone can offer some suggestions on.

Situation #1:

Due to some wiring limitations I have a Zooz Zen 76 Dimmer located in one room that actually controls the lights in another room. In the other room (the one with the lights) I have a Zooz Zen 71 switch in a three way with a dumb switch. This three way has no load attached (it used to control an outlet but I unhooked that). Electrically speaking everything works as intended

I want to setup a rule (or something) that will allow me to turn the Zen 76 dimmer in the other room on/off when the three way in the room with the light is used.

At first I thought this would be simple but I cannot seem to figure out how to get it quite right. Depending on what order the switches are hit, I can end up in a state where the lights are off but the Zooz Zen 71 is in an on state. You then walk in the room and press up on the switch and nothing happens because the switch is already on. Since the Zooz does not have an up/down position like the dumb switch you don't naturally hit the button in the correct direction to make things work and it seems like something is wrong. (I really hope that makes sense)

I think I might solve this by a direct Zwave association but I would prefer to do it in the Hubitat where I can come back and see what is going on in 6 months when I forget what I did.

So I guess what I really want is to kind of bind these two switches together so everything works as you would expect.

Situation #2:
This is basically the same idea but in my kitchen there are two sets of lights both on Zen 76 dimmers in three ways (nothing out of the ordinary). Unfortunately the switches are all on opposite walls from each other so you have to walk across the room to turn on/off the lights every time. This is particularly silly because these are all recessed lights in the ceiling so there are zero scenarios where you ever want 1/2 the lights on/off.

Much like my first scenario I want to make sure when either set of lights are toggled the other set does the same thing.

I feel like both of these scenarios should be really simple to accomplish and likely I am over complicating them but, I can't put my finger on how to make it happen correctly.

Thanks and I appreciate any help.

Have you checked out the built in app Mirror? There is also a community app. Might be what you're after.

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Thanks - I will check Mirror out - I never even noticed it before but it sounds like it might just do the trick

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I can't recall if this is a capability with the default driver, but with the advanced Zooz switch drivers the switches function as both a switch and a button device. With that avenue, you can write a rule to follow and double-down on button pushes. Like scenario #1 you could do:

ZEN71 switched changed
ZEN71 button 1 pushed (top press)
ZEN71 button 2 pushed (bottom press)

If(ZEN71 turned on OR ZEN71 button 1 pushed) THEN
Turn on ZEN76
Turn off ZEN76
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Thanks @FriedCheese2006 i think I will go that way. I actually didnā€™t realize there were advanced drivers for the zooz stuff. Will check it out tomorrow.

They are custom but you wont be disappointed: [DRIVER] Zooz ZEN Switches Advanced (and Dimmers)


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