MakerAPI returning lots of "null" values.. can these be removed?

I've got 52 devices (some real, some virtual) added to the MakerAPI app. I noticed recently that when fetching all of these devices (with full details) I get back 757 attributes that are simply "null"


I did a grep for ": null," in my formatted results to illustrate this (snippet below).

I realize not ever driver is created by Hubitat but I do feel like there's no point in returning a null value via JSON.. to me a null value is the same as not being there - unlike an empty "" value which does have some meaning.

Hopefully others agree too.. that's a lot of extra data/bandwidth which could easily be avoided.

Worst-case - could you add an optional flag to hide these null values? That wouldn't change the results for existing apps that rely on MakerAPI (even though I'm not sure it would)

Here's the null attributes I get from my 52 Hubitat devices..

    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "codeLength": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "lastMonthTotal": null,
      "power": null,
      "currMonthAvg": null,
      "currMonthTotal": null,
      "lastMonthAvg": null,
      "energy": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "lastMonthTotal": null,
      "power": null,
      "currMonthAvg": null,
      "currMonthTotal": null,
      "lastMonthAvg": null,
      "energy": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "lastCheckinEpoch": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "released": null,
      "values": null,
      "doubleTapped": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "lastMonthTotal": null,
      "power": null,
      "currMonthAvg": null,
      "currMonthTotal": null,
      "lastMonthAvg": null,
      "energy": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "Light Sensor CH1": null,
      "values": null,
      "Snapshot Period Minutes Options": null,
      "Last Battery Alert": null,
      "Feature Plan ID": null,
      "Clip Rate": null,
      "Early Termination Supported": null,
      "Ping Interval": null,
      "Motion Sensitivity": null,
      "Temp Hysteresis": null,
      "Motion Regions Compatible": null,
      "SM Backup Enabled": null,
      "LFR Strength": null,
      "Light Sensor Data Valid": null,
      "Usage": null,
      "Join Available": null,
      "MFG Mez Type": null,
      "Server": null,
      "FW Git Hash": null,
      "PIR Rejections": null,
      "Video Description": null,
      "Firmware Version": null,
      "Temp Adjust": null,
      "LiveView Duration": null,
      "Time Zone": null,
      "Battery Alarm Enable": null,
      "Battery Signal": null,
      "Camera Error": null,
      "Thumbnail Image": null,
      "Join State": null,
      "Snapshot Period Minutes": null,
      "Time DHCP Lease": null,
      "Battery Voltage Interval": null,
      "Busy": null,
      "OS Version": null,
      "Submit Logs": null,
      "Account": null,
      "Last Command ID": null,
      "Flip Video": null,
      "Video History Count": null,
      "Camera Seq": null,
      "Total 108 Wakeups": null,
      "Temp Min": null,
      "Record Audio": null,
      "Continue Warning": null,
      "Night Vision Exposure Compatible": null,
      "Last Backfill Completed": null,
      "Network Origin": null,
      "Encryption Key": null,
      "Temp Alert State": null,
      "Temp Max": null,
      "Night Vision Exposure": null,
      "Illuminator Enable": null,
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      "LFR Alert Count": null,
      "Deleted": null,
      "Illuminator Duration": null,
      "Onboarded": null,
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      "Table Update Sequence": null,
      "Local Storage Status": null,
      "MFG Mez Range": null,
      "Battery Voltage Threshold": null,
      "Lifetime Count": null,
      "Total TB Wakeups": null,
      "LFR Channel": null,
      "Record Audio Enable": null,
      "Video Recording Optional": null,
      "Early Notification Compatible": null,
      "Temp Interval": null,
      "MFG Main Type": null,
      "Error Codes": null,
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      "Unit Number": null,
      "Early Notification": null,
      "Created": null,
      "Privacy Zones Compatible": null,
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      "AC Power": null,
      "Options": null,
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      "LiveView RTSP": null,
      "Battery Check Time": null,
      "Network Key": null,
      "Wifi Alert Count": null,
      "Last Backup Completed": null,
      "Temp Alerts Enabled": null,
      "Video hz": null,
      "Clip Seconds": null,
      "Buzzer On": null,
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      "Lifetime Duration": null,
      "Offline Alert Count": null,
      "Clip Max Length": null,
      "Last Temp Alert": null,
      "Local Storage Enabled": null,
      "LFR Frequency": null,
      "Usage Rate": null,
      "LFR 108 Wakeups": null,
      "Last Wifi Alert": null,
      "Early PIR Compatible": null,
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      "Storage Total": null,
      "Video Recording Enable": null,
      "Alert Tone Enable": null,
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      "Alert Tone Volume": null,
      "Flip Image": null,
      "LFR Signal": null,
      "html": null,
      "Time 108 Boot": null,
      "Siren Volume": null,
      "Siren Enable": null,
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      "LiveView Rate": null,
      "Thumbnail": null,
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      "Retry Count": null,
      "Clip Warning Threshold": null,
      "Light Sensor Data New": null,
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      "LiveView Mode": null,
      "WiFi Strength": null,
      "Media ID": null,
      "Motion Regions": null,
      "Time DNS Resolve": null,
      "Alert Interval": null,
      "Daylight Savings Time": null,
      "Last Backup Started": null,
      "DHCP Failure Count": null,
      "Time WLAN Connect": null,
      "Illuminator Intensity": null,
      "Enabled": null,
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      "Time First Video": null,
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      "Backfill In Progress": null,
      "Local Storage Compatible": null,
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      "Serial": null,
      "Temp Alert Status": null,
      "Light Sensor CH0": null,
      "Dev 3": null,
      "Temperature Alert Count": null,
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      "WiFi Timeout": null,
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      "Socket Failure Count": null,
      "Invert Image": null,
      "New Command": null,
      "Last HB": null,
      "Flip Video Compatible": null,
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    "manufacturer": null,
      "Light Sensor CH1": null,
      "values": null,
      "Snapshot Period Minutes Options": null,
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      "Feature Plan ID": null,
      "Clip Rate": null,
      "Early Termination Supported": null,
      "Ping Interval": null,
      "Motion Sensitivity": null,
      "Temp Hysteresis": null,
      "Motion Regions Compatible": null,
      "SM Backup Enabled": null,
      "LFR Strength": null,
      "Light Sensor Data Valid": null,
      "Usage": null,
      "Join Available": null,
      "MFG Mez Type": null,
      "Server": null,
      "FW Git Hash": null,
      "PIR Rejections": null,
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      "Firmware Version": null,
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      "LiveView Duration": null,
      "Time Zone": null,
      "Battery Alarm Enable": null,
      "Battery Signal": null,
      "Camera Error": null,
      "Thumbnail Image": null,
      "Join State": null,
      "Snapshot Period Minutes": null,
      "Time DHCP Lease": null,
      "Battery Voltage Interval": null,
      "Busy": null,
      "OS Version": null,
      "Submit Logs": null,
      "Account": null,
      "Last Command ID": null,
      "Flip Video": null,
      "Video History Count": null,
      "Camera Seq": null,
      "Total 108 Wakeups": null,
      "Temp Min": null,
      "Record Audio": null,
      "Continue Warning": null,
      "Night Vision Exposure Compatible": null,
      "Last Backfill Completed": null,
      "Network Origin": null,
      "Encryption Key": null,
      "Temp Alert State": null,
      "Temp Max": null,
      "Night Vision Exposure": null,
      "Illuminator Enable": null,
      "Video Quality": null,
      "LFR Alert Count": null,
      "Deleted": null,
      "Illuminator Duration": null,
      "Onboarded": null,
      "LiveView Seconds": null,
      "Table Update Sequence": null,
      "Local Storage Status": null,
      "MFG Mez Range": null,
      "Battery Voltage Threshold": null,
      "Lifetime Count": null,
      "Total TB Wakeups": null,
      "LFR Channel": null,
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      "Video Recording Optional": null,
      "Early Notification Compatible": null,
      "Temp Interval": null,
      "MFG Main Type": null,
      "Error Codes": null,
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      "Unit Number": null,
      "Early Notification": null,
      "Created": null,
      "Privacy Zones Compatible": null,
      "LFR TB Wakeups": null,
      "AC Power": null,
      "Options": null,
      "LFR Sync Interval": null,
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      "LiveView RTSP": null,
      "Battery Check Time": null,
      "Network Key": null,
      "Wifi Alert Count": null,
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      "Temp Alerts Enabled": null,
      "Video hz": null,
      "Clip Seconds": null,
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      "Clip Max Length": null,
      "Last Temp Alert": null,
      "Local Storage Enabled": null,
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      "Usage Rate": null,
      "LFR 108 Wakeups": null,
      "Last Wifi Alert": null,
      "Early PIR Compatible": null,
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      "Storage Total": null,
      "Video Recording Enable": null,
      "Alert Tone Enable": null,
      "Dev 2": null,
      "LV Save": null,
      "Auto Test": null,
      "Auto Arm By Geo": null,
      "IPv": null,
      "Liveview Bitrate": null,
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      "MFG Main Range": null,
      "Alert Tone Volume": null,
      "Flip Image": null,
      "LFR Signal": null,
      "html": null,
      "Time 108 Boot": null,
      "Siren Volume": null,
      "Siren Enable": null,
      "Battery Alert Account": null,
      "WiFi Connect Failure Count": null,
      "LiveView Rate": null,
      "Thumbnail": null,
      "Temp Alarm Enable": null,
      "Auto Arm By Time": null,
      "Retry Count": null,
      "Clip Warning Threshold": null,
      "Light Sensor Data New": null,
      "LiveView Enabled": null,
      "LiveView Mode": null,
      "WiFi Strength": null,
      "Media ID": null,
      "Motion Regions": null,
      "Time DNS Resolve": null,
      "Alert Interval": null,
      "Daylight Savings Time": null,
      "Last Backup Started": null,
      "DHCP Failure Count": null,
      "Time WLAN Connect": null,
      "Illuminator Intensity": null,
      "Enabled": null,
      "Sync Module Error": null,
      "Video Length": null,
      "Time First Video": null,
      "Snapshot Compatible": null,
      "Backfill In Progress": null,
      "Local Storage Compatible": null,
      "MAC Address": null,
      "Serial": null,
      "Temp Alert Status": null,
      "Light Sensor CH0": null,
      "Dev 3": null,
      "Temperature Alert Count": null,
      "Battery Number": null,
      "Snapshot Enabled": null,
      "WiFi Signal": null,
      "Clip Bitrate": null,
      "Battery Alert Count": null,
      "Storage Used": null,
      "LiveView Continue Interval": null,
      "Early Termination": null,
      "WiFi Timeout": null,
      "Max Resolution": null,
      "Battery Voltage Hysteresis": null,
      "Socket Failure Count": null,
      "Invert Image": null,
      "New Command": null,
      "Last HB": null,
      "Flip Video Compatible": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "Light Sensor CH1": null,
      "values": null,
      "Snapshot Period Minutes Options": null,
      "Last Battery Alert": null,
      "Feature Plan ID": null,
      "Clip Rate": null,
      "Early Termination Supported": null,
      "Ping Interval": null,
      "Motion Sensitivity": null,
      "Temp Hysteresis": null,
      "Motion Regions Compatible": null,
      "SM Backup Enabled": null,
      "LFR Strength": null,
      "Light Sensor Data Valid": null,
      "Usage": null,
      "Join Available": null,
      "MFG Mez Type": null,
      "Server": null,
      "FW Git Hash": null,
      "PIR Rejections": null,
      "Video Description": null,
      "Firmware Version": null,
      "Temp Adjust": null,
      "LiveView Duration": null,
      "Time Zone": null,
      "Battery Alarm Enable": null,
      "Battery Signal": null,
      "Camera Error": null,
      "Thumbnail Image": null,
      "Join State": null,
      "Snapshot Period Minutes": null,
      "Time DHCP Lease": null,
      "Battery Voltage Interval": null,
      "Busy": null,
      "OS Version": null,
      "Submit Logs": null,
      "Account": null,
      "Last Command ID": null,
      "Flip Video": null,
      "Video History Count": null,
      "Camera Seq": null,
      "Total 108 Wakeups": null,
      "Temp Min": null,
      "Record Audio": null,
      "Continue Warning": null,
      "Night Vision Exposure Compatible": null,
      "Last Backfill Completed": null,
      "Network Origin": null,
      "Encryption Key": null,
      "Temp Alert State": null,
      "Temp Max": null,
      "Night Vision Exposure": null,
      "Illuminator Enable": null,
      "Video Quality": null,
      "LFR Alert Count": null,
      "Deleted": null,
      "Illuminator Duration": null,
      "Onboarded": null,
      "LiveView Seconds": null,
      "Table Update Sequence": null,
      "Local Storage Status": null,
      "MFG Mez Range": null,
      "Battery Voltage Threshold": null,
      "Lifetime Count": null,
      "Total TB Wakeups": null,
      "LFR Channel": null,
      "Record Audio Enable": null,
      "Video Recording Optional": null,
      "Early Notification Compatible": null,
      "Temp Interval": null,
      "MFG Main Type": null,
      "Error Codes": null,
      "Last LFR Alert": null,
      "Unit Number": null,
      "Early Notification": null,
      "Created": null,
      "Privacy Zones Compatible": null,
      "LFR TB Wakeups": null,
      "AC Power": null,
      "Options": null,
      "LFR Sync Interval": null,
      "Dev 1": null,
      "Last Activity": null,
      "LiveView RTSP": null,
      "Battery Check Time": null,
      "Network Key": null,
      "Wifi Alert Count": null,
      "Last Backup Completed": null,
      "Temp Alerts Enabled": null,
      "Video hz": null,
      "Clip Seconds": null,
      "Buzzer On": null,
      "Camera Key": null,
      "Lifetime Duration": null,
      "Offline Alert Count": null,
      "Clip Max Length": null,
      "Last Temp Alert": null,
      "Local Storage Enabled": null,
      "LFR Frequency": null,
      "Usage Rate": null,
      "LFR 108 Wakeups": null,
      "Last Wifi Alert": null,
      "Early PIR Compatible": null,
      "Camera ID": null,
      "Storage Total": null,
      "Video Recording Enable": null,
      "Alert Tone Enable": null,
      "Dev 2": null,
      "LV Save": null,
      "Auto Test": null,
      "Auto Arm By Geo": null,
      "IPv": null,
      "Liveview Bitrate": null,
      "Alert Repeat": null,
      "MFG Main Range": null,
      "Alert Tone Volume": null,
      "Flip Image": null,
      "LFR Signal": null,
      "html": null,
      "Time 108 Boot": null,
      "Siren Volume": null,
      "Siren Enable": null,
      "Battery Alert Account": null,
      "WiFi Connect Failure Count": null,
      "LiveView Rate": null,
      "Thumbnail": null,
      "Temp Alarm Enable": null,
      "Auto Arm By Time": null,
      "Retry Count": null,
      "Clip Warning Threshold": null,
      "Light Sensor Data New": null,
      "LiveView Enabled": null,
      "LiveView Mode": null,
      "WiFi Strength": null,
      "Media ID": null,
      "Motion Regions": null,
      "Time DNS Resolve": null,
      "Alert Interval": null,
      "Daylight Savings Time": null,
      "Last Backup Started": null,
      "DHCP Failure Count": null,
      "Time WLAN Connect": null,
      "Illuminator Intensity": null,
      "Enabled": null,
      "Sync Module Error": null,
      "Video Length": null,
      "Time First Video": null,
      "Snapshot Compatible": null,
      "Backfill In Progress": null,
      "Local Storage Compatible": null,
      "MAC Address": null,
      "Serial": null,
      "Temp Alert Status": null,
      "Light Sensor CH0": null,
      "Dev 3": null,
      "Temperature Alert Count": null,
      "Battery Number": null,
      "Snapshot Enabled": null,
      "WiFi Signal": null,
      "Clip Bitrate": null,
      "Battery Alert Count": null,
      "Storage Used": null,
      "LiveView Continue Interval": null,
      "Early Termination": null,
      "WiFi Timeout": null,
      "Max Resolution": null,
      "Battery Voltage Hysteresis": null,
      "Socket Failure Count": null,
      "Invert Image": null,
      "New Command": null,
      "Last HB": null,
      "Flip Video Compatible": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "volume": null,
      "mute": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "date": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "volume": null,
      "mute": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "pushed": null,
      "values": null,
      "indicatorStatus": null,
    "date": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "date": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "lockCodes": null,
      "codeChanged": null,
      "lastCodeName": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "lockCodes": null,
      "codeChanged": null,
      "lastCodeName": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "lastMap": null,
      "memberFriendlyName": null,
      "numOfCharacters": null,
      "lastLogMessage": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "levelPreset": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "doorMoving": null,
      "myQAccountId": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "doorMoving": null,
      "myQAccountId": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "doubleTapped": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "thermostatSetpoint": null,
      "fanTimeout": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "thermostatSetpoint": null,
      "fanTimeout": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "thermostatSetpoint": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "lastMonthTotal": null,
      "power": null,
      "currMonthAvg": null,
      "currMonthTotal": null,
      "lastMonthAvg": null,
      "energy": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "lastMonthTotal": null,
      "power": null,
      "currMonthAvg": null,
      "currMonthTotal": null,
      "lastMonthAvg": null,
      "energy": null,
    "date": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "lastMonthTotal": null,
      "power": null,
      "currMonthAvg": null,
      "currMonthTotal": null,
      "lastMonthAvg": null,
      "energy": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
    "model": null,
    "manufacturer": null,
      "values": null,
      "last_observation_Forecast": null,
      "windSpeed": null,
      "wind_direction": null,
      "wind_string": null,
      "sunsetTime": null,
      "illuminated": null,
      "condition_code": null,
      "cloudTomorrow": null,
      "cloudDayAfterTomorrow": null,
      "forecast_code": null,
      "weatherIcons": null,
      "cloudToday": null,
      "dewpoint": null,
      "wind_cardinal": null,
      "noonTime": null,
      "alertDescr": null,
      "windDirection": null,
      "alert": null,
      "alertTile": null,
      "vis": null,
      "condition_icon_only": null,
      "condition_icon": null,
      "wind_gust": null,
      "forecast_text": null,
      "threedayTile": null,
      "betwixt": null,
      "cloud": null,
      "wind_degree": null,
      "myTile": null,
      "condition_text": null,
      "last_poll_Forecast": null,
      "tw_end": null,
      "alertSender": null,
      "sunriseTime": null,
      "tw_begin": null,

I use MakerAPI to expose HE devices to Node-RED. If "null" values were always suppressed, there would be no way to know the full list of data attributes that the device publishes. Eg: a particular value is "null" at the point in time when an event occurs and it is an attribute that I want to use. how would I know what the attribute name/value would be?

Or somehow all the data attributes published by each device would need to be maintained somewhere. Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?

1 Like

Most of the attributes I see in your example output appear to be custom attributes. As such, if the devices are not populating those customs attributes (i.e. they are 'null'), why not simply comment them out of the custom drivers you're using?


I'm not sure about that. Both the examples below are using built-in drivers (Virtual Switch and Lutron Switch).

But, I guess from my perspective, a request for "all devices with full details" is something I would do very very rarely.

I doubt they would be willing to change the response format at this point. There are too many apps and integrations using it as is that would break if they changed it, even with an option.

I always do devices/* install of /all, as historically it was faster (about the same now) and it fixed a few bugs in the /all response format (I think that might have been fixed by now though - haven't tried it in a year+), but I don't think that changes what you are seeing in terms of nulls.

If there was enough customer interest, they could always add a new query of course. But I think it would take a lot more than just one person wanting it.

I don't even use that API in my app but just used it to illustrate the point of all the null values returned (757 from 52 devices). I also get back all of the null attributes in the individual device info requests.

That makes sense too.. there's also the case of a non-null value being replaced/updated to null which would require the null value to be passed in a subsequent call.

I wasn't really expecting anything to change.. but, adding an optional param wouldn't break anything either and probably a really easy change to make.

I was just pointing out how much extra bandwidth is taken up. If it's all local traffic it's not that big of a deal for sure. But, the cloud version likely does add up to the total traffic that Hubitat has to account for.

The JSON serializer I'm using (GSON) doesn't serialize null values (ie: sending "key": null) by default so I'm not used to seeing these values passed. However, I did a little more digging and another serializer (Jackson) does so clearly it's not an issue (how Hubitat is returning data)..

FWIW - a LOT more data could be saved by introducing some way to 'push' changes via the cloud API's vs polling anyway: Access /eventstream from cloud? Or, alternative ways for hub to 'push' updates to a mobile device

1 Like

/eventstream and /logstream are still not official, although @gopher.ny said recently that they’ve been around long enough that they might make them permanent.

Cloud access will require support for secure websockets.

1 Like

Hi -- this is a very old thread but I was hoping to resurrect it just to make this request again. I'm not sure who the right person at Hubitat would be to mention so if someone else knows can they reply and tag them?

My specific request is for the MakerAPI /devices endpoint to take an optional parameter which when set will not return 'null' attributes (attributes which values are "null")

for example:

I understand that not every app would want this change. And it's also true that you wouldn't be able to know the full list of attributes if not every one is returned (null or not). But, since it's an optional parameter nothing changes unless the param is passed.

But, I also believe many users of this API wouldn't be affected in any way without these null values. Most 'users' of the API are probably only interested in a few key attributes anyway. And that leads to why it would be beneficial to make this change:

Many 3rd party device drivers have a lot of attributes defined and at least in my testing there's a lot of them that don't typically get set. Sure, each driver could be rewritten to define fewer attributes (maybe some of these could be defined elsewhere?). But, this change seems like a pretty easy way to reduce the payload size for anything that isn't as optimized as the built-in device drivers.

For example, I have 3 specific devices that each take up 14k of data in JSON form with most of these values being "null". 1 example is listed below in full:

    "id" : "545",
    "name" : "Camera-88989",
    "label" : "Back Camera",
    "type" : "BlinkChild",
    "room" : "Outside",
    "attributes" : 
            "name" : "LFR Frequency",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "LiveView Mode",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Location ID",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "SM Backup Enabled",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Temp Alerts Enabled",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Battery Voltage Threshold",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Temp Interval",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Time 108 Boot",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Early PIR Compatible",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last Backfill Completed",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "LiveView Rate",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Clip Max Length",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Light Sensor Data Valid",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Unit Number",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Issues",
            "currentValue" : "[]",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Alert Tone Volume",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "LiveView Enabled",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Auto Arm By Geo",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Alert Repeat",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Join State",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Siren Enable",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Video hz",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Last Wifi Alert",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "New Command",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Video Quality",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Error Codes",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Video Recording Enable",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Flip Video Compatible",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Local Storage Status",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Storage Total",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "LiveView RTSP",
            "currentValue" : "rtsps://",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Motion Regions Compatible",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "temperature",
            "currentValue" : 61,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Clip Rate",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Clip Seconds",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Lifetime Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Temperature Alert Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Flip Video",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last Battery Alert",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Time First Video",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "LFR 108 Wakeups",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Onboarded",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Battery Number",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "LV Save",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "MAC Address",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Status",
            "currentValue" : "done",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "LFR TB Wakeups",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "WiFi Signal",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Sync Module Error",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Auto Arm By Time",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "MFG Mez Type",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Total TB Wakeups",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Record Audio",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Camera Key",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "LFR Signal",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Max Resolution",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Status",
            "currentValue" : "done",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Video Length",
 e" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Ring Device ID",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Motion Detection Enabled",
            "currentValue" : "true",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Battery Check Time",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Arm String",
            "currentValue" : "Disarmed",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Thumbnail",
            "currentValue" : "<img height=\"25%\" width=\"25%\" src=\"\">",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "WiFi Timeout",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "WiFi Strength",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "motion",
            "currentValue" : "inactive",
            "dataType" : "ENUM",
            "values" : 
            "name" : "Last Backup Completed",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Sync Module ID",
            "currentValue" : 67329,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Early Notification Compatible",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Backfill In Progress",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Tile",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Usage Rate",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Motion Sensitivity",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Storage Used",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Deleted",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "ID",
            "currentValue" : 88989,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "battery",
            "currentValue" : 25,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Table Update Sequence",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Battery Alert Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Retry Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "DHCP Failure Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Illuminator Intensity",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Media ID",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Time WLAN Connect",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "IPv",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "LiveView Seconds",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Local Storage Enabled",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Invert Image",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Siren Volume",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "AC Power",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Created",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "temperature",
            "currentValue" : 61,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Camera ID",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Light Sensor CH0",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Encryption Key",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last Snapshot Event",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Firmware Version",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Thumbnail Image",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "IMAGE"
            "name" : "Socket Failure Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Battery Voltage Hysteresis",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Submit Logs",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Local Storage Compatible",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Record Audio Enable",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Serial",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Type",
            "currentValue" : "xt2",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Feature Plan ID",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Name",
            "currentValue" : "Back Camera",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Armed",
            "currentValue" : "false",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Illuminator Duration",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Early Notification",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Battery Voltage",
            "currentValue" : 144,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Driver Version",
            "currentValue" : "0.2.2",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "LFR Channel",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Temp Alarm Enable",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "LiveView Continue Interval",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Battery Alert Account",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Thumbnail File",
            "currentValue" : "/api/v3/media/accounts/SNIP/networks/39640/xt2/88989/thumbnail/thumbnail.jpg?ts=1698693813&ext=",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Dev 2",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "LFR Strength",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Night Vision Exposure Compatible",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Trigger Time",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last Activity",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "MFG Mez Range",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Continue Warning",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Network Origin",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last HB",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Time DNS Resolve",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Light Sensor Data New",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Driver Status",
            "currentValue" : "Up to date",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last LFR Alert",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Updated",
            "currentValue" : "Thu May 06 14:11:46 EDT 2021",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Camera Seq",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Flip Image",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Battery Alert Status",
            "currentValue" : "false",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Early Termination",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "OS Version",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Network Key",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Time DHCP Lease",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Alert Interval",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "LiveView Duration",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Snapshot Period Minutes",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Driver Name",
            "currentValue" : "BlinkChild",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Dev 1",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Alert Tone Enable",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Snapshot Enabled",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Server",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Night Vision Exposure",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Temp Min",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Dev 3",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Trigger ID",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Clip Warning Threshold",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Account",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Account ID",
            "currentValue" : SNIP,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "FW Git Hash",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Local Connection Certificate ID",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Illuminator Enable",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Auto Test",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Temp Adjust",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Options",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "MAP"
            "name" : "Temp Alert State",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Light Sensor CH1",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "LFR Alert Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Battery Voltage Interval",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Snapshot Period Minutes Options",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "LIST"
            "name" : "Battery Signal",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Temp Max",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Busy",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Trigger Source",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Enabled",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Clip Bitrate",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Ping Interval",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Time Zone",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Wifi Alert Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Battery Status",
            "currentValue" : "ok",
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "MFG Main Range",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Buzzer On",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Offline Alert Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Snapshot Compatible",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Video Recording Optional",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Usage",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Join Available",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "First Boot",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Early Termination Supported",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "WiFi Connect Failure Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Privacy Zones Compatible",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Battery Alarm Enable",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Liveview Bitrate",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Network ID",
            "currentValue" : 39640,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "switch",
            "currentValue" : "on",
            "dataType" : "ENUM",
            "values" : 
            "name" : "Lifetime Duration",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "MFG Main Type",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Motion Regions",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Thumbnail Image",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Daylight Savings Time",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Total 108 Wakeups",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "LFR Sync Interval",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "PIR Rejections",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Temp Alert Status",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Video History Count",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Camera Error",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last Temp Alert",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last Backup Started",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "Last Command ID",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Temp Hysteresis",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
            "name" : "Video Description",
            "currentValue" : null,
            "dataType" : "STRING"
            "name" : "temperature",
            "currentValue" : 61,
            "dataType" : "NUMBER"
    "capabilities" : 
            "attributes" : 
                    "name" : "motion",
                    "dataType" : null
            "attributes" : 
                    "name" : "battery",
                    "dataType" : null
            "attributes" : 
                    "name" : "temperature",
                    "dataType" : null
            "attributes" : 
                    "name" : "switch",
                    "dataType" : null
    "commands" : 

Anyway, this isn't a huge deal when called locally. But, when remote and using the cloud mode endpoint all of that extra data is being returned frequently and through Hubitat's servers so that could add up to saving some $$ if not making them faster