MakerAPI POST to mDns urls?

Can Hubitat's MakerAPI post to a url using an mDns ('.local') address?

I've got a Hubitat C-7. When the MakerAPI's post url uses an mDns address, e.g. http://mypi.local:8080, the device with hostname mypi receives nothing. However, if I use the IP address of mypi I do receive the events. This will limit our deployment onto networks whose DNS/DHCP we can't modify.

Am I entering the address wrong somehow? Will this be supported in a future hubitat software version? Will this be supported on a C-8 hub?



You could try overriding the DNS settings in the Network setup, but I would have thought that was not required, if the DNS is setup correctly in your router (networking is not my strong suit).

Thanks. Per your suggestion I checked. It doesn't look like the DNS settings contain fields that would affect mDNS.

The Hubitat is reachable by mDNS, (I can ping "myhubitat.local" from my pi, and I get back the IP address of the hubitat), but communication in the opposite direction from the MakerAPI does not seem to resolve the hostname "mypi.local" into the pi's IP address.