This is a request for a new MakerAPI "Get" command.
I'd like a MakerAPI command that "gets" the Hubitat system information shown in the "Location and Modes" settings. In particular, I'm most interested in the "Temperature Scale" setting.
Application: I'm working on an updated HomeBridge plugin for Hubitat (I know there are existing plugins; but I'm adding some additional device types and features based on my existing plugin for HomeSeer). This plugin makes use of the websocket eventStream to monitor for changes. As part of this work, I've noticed there is no consistent way for a temperature sensor to indicate the units (Celsius or Fahrenheit) it is using. Some, for example, seem to include a "units": element in their JSON eventstream data, but this is inconsistent. It would be helpful to at least be able to obtain the system's unit settings.
As a longer-term item, it would be better to make the eventStream more "standardized" and "rigorously defined" stating, for example, that every Temperature report must include the relevant units "F" or "C". Other eventStream reports could also use further definition, but this seems a topic for a future date!