Hi Devs, is there a call to MakerAPI that can interrogate a Group to generate a json array of its children? I would very much like to be able to use Node-Red to refresh the child members of a group after the group has been actioned, as I find often the children's state is stale until I refresh them by hand.
Here is the properties page of one of my light Groups. I see I could derive a list of children device IDs from either Application State otherMap, or Settings dimmers and switches objects if I had access to them via the MakerAPI.
The devices in a group are not child devices. They are group memebers. The parent/child relationship with devices is much more connected than those in a group. The virtual group controller device knows nothing about the children. It's a one way street. You control the group device and the members follow suite. There is no reason for the group controller to know what the memebers are doing because they are supposed to be doing what it says.