In the process of moving from C4-C7, and I'm getting the following error on the above device. It worked fine on the C4, but now I get this error whenever I hit 'deploy' and the device does not have any attributes listed. The device does function in HE with @codahq community driver (yes I know Ben does not support HE anymore )
Any thoughts as to how I can get this devices talking to NR again?
November 28, 2020, 3:15pm
Might this be a case where the Catch node would help? I've not used it myself so I'm just throwing it out there.
EDIT: I know it wouldn't fix the issue. But maybe it helps with more info?
Catch node would help?
I add the node, but it is not given any info.
I'm also getting this in the Maker API logs.
I think it is a Maker Issue
1 Like
November 28, 2020, 3:30pm
I'm guessing it's a bug in the driver on the C-7. Are you running different platform versions on the hubs?
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Yeah the C4 is running and the C7 is running the latest
Could be.
Any idea how to troubleshot, or what line 730 it's complaining about? The driver is only 500+ lines, so not there.
November 28, 2020, 3:35pm
Maybe search for listDevices? I think the 730 line is for that.
getting warmer
"label":"Aeo HEM","type":"Aeon HEM Gen5","id":"68","date":"2020-11-28T15:06:24+0000","model":null,"manufacturer":null,"capabilities":["Configuration","Refresh","PowerMeter","EnergyMeter","Sensor"],"attributes":{"voltage1":null,"dataType":"NUMBER","values":null,"current":"0.000","power":"0.000","cost":" 0.00","energyDuration":"1.81 Days","energy":"0.064","power2":"7.781","voltage2":null,"current2":"0.067","current1":"0.000","voltage":"121.550","cost1":"-0.00","cost2":" 0.01","power1":"0.000"},"commands":[{"command":"refresh"},{"command":"reset"},{"command":"configure"}]},
I think it doesn't like the null in voltage2 or "values". Voltage2 I get but what would "values" be?
I'm getting something similar:
"Unable to cast to dataType for device ID (813) with attribute (energyDuration). Open an issue (Issues · fblackburn1/node-red-contrib-hubitat · GitHub ) to report back the following output: TEXT: 44.83 Days "
I am on a C5
November 28, 2020, 3:58pm
And it may already be fixed...
Since version 1.4.0, NR track all devices (and all attributes) available through Maker API. Then if you have only one device that doesn't follow the supported dataType as describe in the HE wiki , it will display this warning. Even if you don't use this device/attribute in your flows.
If you don't use this device at all, then you can uncheck it in Maker API config (but it's annoying)
In an ideal world, all drivers will respect those dataType (but we don't live in a unicorn world)
Anyways, two …
September 19, 2022, 5:58pm
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