Here is the driver code. It stopped working a while back because Heroku (which is where I had nightscout running) changed their licensing or something like that. I haven't looked into an alternative or what it would take to get it working again.
import groovy.transform.Field
metadata {
definition (
name: "CariCGM",
namespace: "CariCGM",
author: "Chris" )
capability "Refresh"
attribute "SGV", "number"
attribute "CustomTile2", "string"
def refresh() { ( sendSyncCmd() ) }
def sendSyncCmd() {
def params = [
uri: "",
contentType: "application/json",
requestContentType: "application/json",
httpGet(params){response ->
if(response.status != 200) {
log.warn "Did not received valid data!"
else {
def jsontext =
// log.debug "Received: " + jsontext
// log.debug "Cari's number is: " + jsontext[0].sgv
def SGV1 = jsontext[0].sgv
def SGV2 = "65"
def int SGV = SGV1 as Integer
def SGVdir = jsontext [0].direction
// log.debug SGVdir
def int low1 = "70" as Integer
def int low2 = "59" as Integer
def int high1 = "200" as Integer
def int high2 = "260" as Integer
def SGVstate1 = "unset"
def SGVarrow = ""
// def last = device.currentValue("last_num2")
// log.debug SGV
sendEvent(name: "SGV", value: SGV, display: true , displayed: true)
if(SGV < low2) {
SGVstate1 = "VeryLow"
SGVbackground = " rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.65) }"
SGVshadow = " #DD0048 "
} else {
if(SGV < low1) {
SGVstate1 = "Low"
SGVbackground = " rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.65) }"
SGVshadow = " #DD0048 "
} else {
if(SGV > high1) {
SGVstate1 = "High"
SGVbackground = " rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.65) }"
SGVshadow = " #DD0048 "
} else {
SGVstate1 = "Normal"
SGVbackground = " #39ff14 "
SGVbackground = " rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5) }"
SGVshadow = " #39ff14 "
if(SGVdir == "NOT COMPUTABLE") {
SGVdir1 = 'DATA Received '
SGVstate1 = "NO"
SGVcolor = " #DD0048 "
SGVshadow = " #DD0048 "
// SGV = 000
// SGVarrow = '<img src=""></img>'
SGVcolor = "#FFFFFF"
if(SGVdir == "Flat") {
SGVdir1 = 'Steady '
SGVarrow = '<img src=""></img>'
if(SGVdir == "FortyFiveUp") {
SGVdir1 = 'Rising '
SGVarrow = '<img src=""></img>'
if(SGVdir == "SingleUp") {
SGVdir1 = 'Rising '
SGVarrow = '<img src=""></img>'
if(SGVdir == "DoubleUp") {
SGVdir1 = 'Rising '
SGVarrow = '<img src=""></img>'
if(SGVdir == "FortyFiveDown") {
SGVdir1 = 'Falling '
SGVarrow = '<img src=""></img>'
if(SGVdir == "SingleDown") {
SGVdir1 = 'Falling '
SGVarrow = '<img src=""></img>'
if(SGVdir == "DoubleDown") {
SGVdir1 = 'Falling '
SGVarrow = '<img src=""></img>'
sendEvent(name: "SGVstate1", value: SGVstate1, display: true , displayed: true)
def CustomTile1Text = '<style>'
CustomTile1Text += '.CGMInfo {'
CustomTile1Text += ' font-size: 15px;'
CustomTile1Text += ' color: ' + SGVcolor
CustomTile1Text += '}'
CustomTile1Text += '.CGMrow {'
CustomTile1Text += ' font-size: 40px;'
// CustomTile1Text += ' text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px ' + SGVshadow + ';'
CustomTile1Text += ' color: ' + SGVcolor + ';'
CustomTile1Text += '}'
CustomTile1Text += '#tile-63 { background-color: ' + SGVbackground
//+ '; text-shadow: none;}'
CustomTile1Text += '</style>'
CustomTile1Text += '<div class="CGMrow">'
CustomTile1Text += '' + SGV + ' ' + SGVarrow
CustomTile1Text += '<div class="CGMInfo">'
CustomTile1Text += ' ' + SGVstate1
CustomTile1Text += ' ' + SGVdir1
CustomTile1Text += '</div>'
CustomTile1Text += '</div>'
sendEvent(name:"CustomTile2", value:CustomTile1Text, descriptionText:"CustomTile2")
catch (Exception e) {
log.debug "HttpGet Error: ${e}"