Make Hubitat trigger Google Home routine

How do you setup a rule to make Google Home Assistant run a routine?

Search for google assistant relay on the forum. That will allow you to make Google Assistant do just about anything.

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You've gotten GAR to successfully run routines in Google Assistant? I didn't think those were supported by the SDK because the Relay device doesn't get a full list of all of your routines from Google like your phone or Google Home speakers do. I've tried a few different routines using [CC] and it doesn't seem to work. What's the trick?

That's not really true. You can now issue commands to play media on another device from your Google Home devices but you cannot do that from GAR. There are several other operations that are not currently supported by the Assistant SDK, which is was GAR is built on.

I’m not following the argument against? With Google Assistant Relay, you don’t need routines to control devices.

The OP didn’t mention music, and I would know anything about that. I have played sounds, but if that’s what’s need there are better ways. Agreed.

I wasn't arguing I was asking how you got it to work. That's why I posted was to find out how you use GAR to run routines. I've not been able to get it to work. Do you mind sharing what command you've used to get that to work? That's why I said:

Same as you posted, [CC]. What’s the thing that doesn’t work? :wink: I have not encountered one that fails. I’m still using v1. Maybe there’s a problem with v2 and some devices?

Any routine I create I can't get to trigger using [CC] followed by the test that you would normally speak to GH. In fact, I just tried one and instead I got a broadcast of "Debug Ok.." followed by a long string of numbers, followed by "That was weird". Yes, GH said, "That was weird." I'm slightly scared. LOL

Regular device commands, like "turn off of the office lamp" work fine from GAR. But anything with a routine fails. And i am using V2. Maybe that's the difference.


I’m not following how you use it (or desire to use it) with routines. Yes I typically use it with simple commands. I can use with my August lock and include a security code in the phrase and that works too.

This simple rule triggers a random color on a Hue bulb everyday. I could do it other ways now that the bulb is Hue and not a TRÅDFRI like it was before, but the rule wasn’t broken, so I didn’t feel the need to fix it.

Sorry, I’m on my phone right now so I couldn’t show the whole thing, but you get the idea.

Yes, all of the things you show there are device commands. Commands to specific devices you have connected to Google Home. The OP was asking about trigger Google Assistant Routines. You know, the ones you set up within the Google Home app under Routines. Screenshot_20190830-002604_Google

I know about routines, but I don't understand something about the power of them I suppose. I know there are things that Google Assistant Relay cannot do, or doesn't do well. That's the reason I wrote "just about anything", not everything.

When I look at the list of what's here, I recognize that playing music and adjusting volume are not optimal and not possible on a single device [Edit] Now possible. See the post below. But many things listed in the app under routines are possible with GAR. The idea is anything you can verbally ask your google home to do, is what you can put in a text window and it does it (mostly). I know there's limitations, What are some you've run into I didn't mention? What else can a routine do? :thinking:

This is new. Just tried this in GAR and it worked.

[CC] set the volume to 50% on kitchen display

OK. Here is what I would like to do. Since Hubitat can't control Nest thermostats directly I want to set up a rule that tells GHA to set the thermostat to 90 when HSM is Armed Away and another rule to tells GHA to set the thermostat to 78 when HSM is disarmed.

Obviously, replace {nest thermostat} in the rule with the name of your nest thermostat. And the modes (which I do not use) will be the name(s) of your modes.

Thanks. I'll give it a try.

You don't actually show what command you added to the Routine. I think it is dependent on what actions the routine uses. Or maybe it's a v1 vs V2 thing but I'm not able to get routines to work on v2.

Yeah, I think I'm talking about commands and you're talking about routines. I did a few tests to see it there was any phrasing that would activate a routine, and nothing worked.

But for most stuff that doesn't involve music or Google device specific controls (other than volume which now seems to work), you could probably use GAR. For other stuff like "show me a video" or something like that, then you're correct. It doesn't work. I find Google fairly disappointing as a smart home controller. Why are they not allowing motion and contact sensors to trigger their routines? It's not as if it's new to Alexa. Shouldn't they have copied them by now?

It wasn't just me talking about routines. :slight_smile: I mean, look at the title of the thread.

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