Major issue

Really good to know. But I have more than 20 switches. Lots of fun this weekend then !


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It worked with that switch !!! And without the security, the update went very well ! Also last night, I removed all ghost devices (there was 3) and did a ZWave repair. And this morning with the power cycle I was able to include the switch. Thank you so much for your help, really appreciated.


Cool. :+1:t2: Good to hear. Just remember, no need to keep hitting that Z-Wave repair button through all 20 of those. Plus devices will rebuild the neighbor tables by themselves.

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@SmartHomePrimer I still have a problem. I was able to reinclude all switches that had security. I removed the security. Now when updating the firmware I have 3 switches that took about one hour to update the .OTZ. But I'm unable to update the .BIN. It stopped in the middle and say : Device Firmware Updater: ERROR: The device was unable to receive the requested firmware data.

That's why I'd like my ZStick to work. I don't know what is the impact of having the OTZ loaded but not the BIN.

I MAYBE found why. I have 3 Zwave networks. I have 2 range extender on 2 different networks. They were close from each other. I moved the one for HE little bit far and now it seems to work for now.


Smartthings (not dead yet)

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It helped to move the extender but did not fixed all. Still have some BiN update problems

I finally was able to update all devices. But I had to reboot the hub a couple of times. Thank you

AFAIK, z-wave doesn't have the zigbee concept of non-overlapping channels. So running three z-wave networks potentially increases the odds of spectral interference by increasing noise.

In the long-run, I would recommend decreasing that down to two by eliminating ST. I have three zigbee networks running in my house, but a single z-wave network.

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Honestly never really thought about the impact because for me there isn’t any. I have my Ring hub and two HE hubs (both with Z-Wave device joined to them), within a foot of each other and have no issues. But overall my Z-Wave network is small. :man_shrugging:t3:

Hehe, for sure that's the goal !

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