Lutron switches

Iā€™m not sure if I fully understand your question. But It doesnā€™t really matter if any of us support Lutronā€™s decision to move away from Telnet as the point of integration to their multiple smart device product lines.

Theyā€™re a (relatively) small, privately held company, and they have a long history of making what seem like frustrating or confusing decisions re: their smart home products (from the perspective of some end users at least).

And as @bill.d said, some of us prefer RadioRA 2 (and are fortunate enough to be able to afford the premium price tag for those devices; if you think caseta is overpricedā€¦ :wink:).

As I said, RadioRA 2 works with Hubitat in an identical manner to Caseta. So thereā€™s no reason for Hubitat not to support both.

By most appearances, Lutron may have decided not to include Telnet as a protocol for integration moving forward. Thatā€™s just how it is.

This. We can all live happily together :v:.

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Well, they lost my money I guess. I would have gladly upgraded my RA 2 system to RA 3 had they just included telnet support.

As @bill.d indicated earlier, there is unofficial telnet support. Here's the link he posted:

I did the RadioRA 3 system training today. As expressed here, there's not much of a current compelling reason to upgrade. Who knows about the future?

The Sunnata (pronounced soo-nata) dimmers look nice. They do require a neutral unlike the RRD-PRO. There's a RadioRA 3 branded version the outdoor plug. Still no conditional programming other than basic schedules. Still requires a Windows app.

I couldn't tell anything definitive about Telnet. The new Designer software would seem to be able to accommodate it as there are configurable login credentials and a reformatted integration report. Will the new Processor enable it? I don't know.

Lutron prides itself on "no ifs in this product". Seriously, one of their executives said that at L2 training, referring to any type of conditional logic.

Well, not looking good for Telnet, I guess.

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I guess I'm not all that concerned with what Lutron does other than to remain compatible with Hubitat. If I need telnet for my current Caseta devices and something else for whatever I'm forced to buy in the future, I can probably live with that IF it will all still work with Hubitat.

It might be my age coming through, but I'm sick of change just for the sake of change. It's rare these days for me to open up an app after upgrade and think, "Oh, that's an improvement." Far more common is, "Crap, what did they do to this thing?!"


I came across this on the Lutron Forum (It was posted by a Lutron Rep):

We wanted to highlight a few things about Integration with Lutron Devices. Specifically focusing on Telnet and LEAP.

  1. Telnet for existing systems like RadioRA 2 and HomeWorks QS is not going away. Those integrations will continue work as they have.
  2. The LEAP API is something that can be used with CasƩta and RA2 Select and is necessary for HW QSX
  3. LEAP is not just cloud integration, it can be local or cloud; common industry alliances in this market are all going local (C4, Crestron, etc)
  4. Lutron is working with a wide variety of 3rd party companies for support of QSX LEAP integration. Most of the big name companies already have integration or have QSX integration coming in the very near future.
  5. If there is a company or product that people would like to see us integrate with, they can email and it will get evaluated by the business

We also wanted to add a few other additional reasons why LEAP is being used over Telnet. The first thing to emphasize is security with the TLS connection. Another benefit is that LEAP makes integration easier since most of the integrations auto extract the Lutron system config for you (no longer have to mess around with integration reports). One of the rare exceptions to this is Crestron SIMP, but companies like and C4 pull in the config for the integrator to make it easy. This could be done in the past with Telnet and XML but LEAP config can be pulled dynamically vs an XML file that only gets compiled at transfer.

What I want to mine from this is exactly what it is that people are trying to control that they cannot and what is causing the grief on the forum. It is not clear to me in reading the thread if it is heartburn caused by Savant or if they really did make their own integration? In talking with many dealers over the years, I would be surprised by how many really made their own large scale drivers that are outside of the major manufacturers that already make drivers for the industry.

[Very concerned about discontinuation of Telnet and breaking existing integration - Page 2 ]

Keep reading... He later corrected himself.

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Wow. Good catch. I didn't see that followup....Definitely changes things


Well, I finally got some Lutron switches installed, two fan switches to replace two Leviton fan controllers that went bad, and one light switch to replace a bathroom switch that kept losing connectivity. I'm impressed so far! Am thinking of replacing all less-than-fully-responsive switches to Lutron to see if this fixes my many home automation problems.

I also decided not to import Lutron devices into Alexa via Hubitat, but rather to import directly into Alexa using its skill. That seems to have given me one small advantage: in Alexa, the fan controllers are now showing up with their speed-control sliders (they didn't previously when imported through Hubitat).

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If physical vs digital events matters for any of your automations, then be aware that in your Lutron-direct-to-Alexa setup commands sent via Alexa will show up as physical events in Hubitat.

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I don't think they do. I only recently came to understand that there was a distinction between the two. I've been using "switch" for my automations which I understand encompasses both physical and digital?

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Correct. And as long as the physical vs digital difference is of no consequence, your setup is excellent for your needs.


Can I give you an example of where it might matter?

In my automations, if a dimmer or switch is turned on digitally, motion lighting works. However, if it is turned on physically, motion rules are suspended.

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Hmm, that gives me some ideas...

So if I tell Alexa to turn on a Lutron switch, it will be taken by Hubitat as a physical event?

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Correct, unless that switch was integrated with Alexa via Hubitat.

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Oooh. I've been struggling with just that, with my Caseta dimmer.

Can you please provide an example of the rules your using for that?


I don't use Rule Machine. However, I believe the following two rules demonstrate what needs to be done. The only prerequisite is to create a Boolean hub variable.

The first rule is motion driven lighting that only runs if the Boolean is true.
The second rule makes the Boolean false if Physical switch is the trigger. When the switch turns off, the Boolean is set to true once again.

Hope this helps!


Hi everyone,

I'm back again and I'm pleased to report that my experiments with replacing Leviton Z-wave switches with Lutron switches has been mostly positive. I've replaced six switches so far. I have Alexa linked directly to the Lutron switches via the appropriate skill, and the communication has been seamless.

Only problem is, I have noticed some intermittent loss of connectivity with one Lutron switch in the very periphery of my house - the one in the master bathroom commode room which was always a problem when I had a Z-wave switch there. It's not consistent, but it's happening enough that I'd like to look into getting that Lutron extender that others mentioned.

Does anyone have a link to it for Amazon and also where would be the best place to put it? My Lutron bridge is on my second floor in an open area overlooking the first floor (that's also where my cable modem + router and Hubitat are). The problem switch is on the first floor.