Lutron PJ2-4B-GWH-P02 Pico Setup(Lutron Keypad or Pico?)

I have a Lutron PJ2-4B-GWH-P02 Pico that is a scene controller on the Lutron Pro hub. I have had all 4 scenes working on the Lutron Pro hub but disabled them to see if the pico would work with HE. It is still connected to the Lutron and the device shows up on the integration report as a "Keypad" in the Kitchen and is listed as device 12 with buttons 8,9,10,11. I have setup buttons 1 and 2 on the Button Controller that work as intended when you type in the button "1" or "2" and "press" it on the keypad device page. However I have no success pressing the physical keypad button. I have tried both Lutron Keypad and Fast Pico(changing it on the integration and on the driver) with no success.

Logs indicate:
dev:1932019-07-07 20:29:53.672 infoKitchen Keypad button null was released

dev:402019-07-07 20:29:53.626 inforcvd: DEVICE,12,8,4

dev:1932019-07-07 20:29:53.400 infoKitchen Keypad button null was pushed

dev:402019-07-07 20:29:53.355 inforcvd: DEVICE,12,8,3

What is the recommended driver - "Lutron Keypad" or "Fast Pico"?
Do I need to delete the device on both hubs, reboot, and reinstall?

Thanks for your help.


I would remove the device from your Pro Hub and try to re-join it. It shouldn't have those button numbers. They should show up as a separate device on the integration report with it's own number 2-6. But in HE they are 1-5, just FYI. Does your pico show up as a separate device on the list, like this:

      "Name" : "Pico",
      "ID" : 6,
      "Area" : {
        "Name" : "Master Bedroom"
      "Buttons" : [ {
        "Number" : 2
      }, {
        "Number" : 3
      }, {
        "Number" : 4
      }, {
        "Number" : 5
      }, {
        "Number" : 6
      } ]

Yes, as follows:
"ID" : 12,
"Area" : {
"Name" : "Kitchen"
"Name" : "Kitchen Keypad",
"Buttons" : [
"Number" : 8
"Number" : 9
"Number" : 10
"Number" : 11

Thanks for the quick response.

Your Pico is set up correctly in Lutron. The PJ2-4B is different than most of the other Picos. As you've identified it sends buttons 8, 9, 10, 11.

I would try setting it as a Keypad in Hubitat (neither Pico driver will work) and then in subsequent apps you would assign actions to buttons 8-11 of the keypad.

The only capability of the Pico that you might lose is the "release" action as RA2 keypads don't have a release, so I doubt the driver is programmed for it. @bravenel can confirm/comment.

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It appears the PJB-4B pico's button numbers need to align with the device button numbers(8-11) on the integration report. By changing the number of buttons to 11 and only referring to buttons 8-11 the PJB-4B works as intended. I tried this successfully on Rule 4.0, ABC, and BC 3.0. Would it be possible to change the driver on the Lutron Keypad to align its function with the other Picos? Thanks for everyone's assistance.


The Hubitat Lutron Keypad driver connects generic Lutron buttons to Hubitat with a push-only action. There are no differences between the Lutron button number and the Hubitat button number. Lutron button devices can include Picos, keypads, and repeater/bridge scenes.

The native Lutron button numbers are all defined in the Lutron Integration Protocol document (AA as of this post) at

Hubitat also includes 2 Pico specific drivers. There are 2 reasons: 1) Picos have press and release actions. Hubitat has 2 drivers, 1 that just does press and release, and the other that calculates a hold action based on the subtracting the pressed action time from the released action time, and 2) to re-number the buttons from top to bottom. Lutron native top to bottom is 2,5,3,6,4 . Hubitat reorders them to 1,2,3,4,5, top to bottom.

RadioRA 2 keypads have many configurations. Some start at 1, others start at 4. It probably doesn't make sense to have multiple drivers for all the combinations possible.

Having said that, it may make sense to add the release action of the PJB-4B to Hubitat. That could be done by changing the Pico drivers to additionally accommodate the 8,9,10,11 Lutron layout or adding a release action to the keypad driver. (A release action added to the keypad driver would also better accommodate a HomeWorks QS keypad I believe.) @bravenel is the person to ask.

While you are at it, can the the "held" action be added too?

I'll look at it...

There's an issue with doing this that you all need to think about. Adding held introduces a delay in processing a simple key being pushed, as it has to wait for the hold delay time before it knows whether it is pushed or held. This is what led to two Pico drivers, the one with pushed/held, and the Fast Pico driver that does not support held.

We would have to do the same with keypads, have two drivers -- a fast one that doesn't support held, and another one that does. For backwards compatibility reasons, the "Lutron Keypad" driver will not support held. We will introduce the second driver as well, that also supports held ("Lutron Keypad Hold"), with a settable timeout for pushed vs held.

SeeTouch keypads evidently do not send the release (4) command. Can't very well implement release without it. The documentation suggests that they do, but I'm not seeing it actually happen.

This means that held cannot be implemented either.

Is there a way to increase the number of buttons in the pico drivers? Right now they are limited to 5 and we ca’t use the 4 button picos with that driver. They use button numbers 8-11. That solution would work for me too and you wouldn’t need to touch the keypad driver

It's this particular 4 button pico. We will look into getting it to work.

Which driver doesn't work for you? I'm seeing the mappings for 8-11. Do you know what mappings your Pico has? That is, what code does it send for the 4 buttons if numbered 1 through 4 from the top? Have you set the number of buttons to 4?

Here is the integration report

    "ID" : 3,
    "Area" : {
      "Name" : "Family Room"
    "Name" : "Pico",
    "Buttons" : [
        "Number" : 8
        "Number" : 9
        "Number" : 10
        "Number" : 11

and here is a screen shot of configuring the button device in RM4 (the same applies to the button controller though)

I can’t select the button IDs 8-11

This is with the Lutron Pico driver

I can change it to the Lutron keypad and set it to 11 buttons but then I can only do the pushed action and not the held action.

Those buttons are automatically mapped to 1 through 4. All Lutron button devices appear in Hubitat with button numbering 1 through N, numbered from the top of the device. This is because some of the Picos have very non-obvious button numbering schemes. Seriously, why would a 4 button device have buttons numbered 8 through 11?

So they are 1 through 4. That will work for you. Forget the internal numbering that Lutron uses.

I hear you, I was as confused when I saw these numbers. I give that a try. Thanks!

HomeWorks keypads do support release. As does this PJ2-4B Pico. Think of this Pico as a transmit-only keypad with 4 buttons.

It seems you have 3 choices -

  1. Do nothing. The PJ2-4B works with the Keypad driver. Buttons start at 8. But there is no support for release actions.
  2. Modify the existing Pico drivers to accept this PJ2-4B Pico as well. You'd have to have some way for the user to pick the Pico layout. The PJ2-4B series is the only one that different from the others. (See page 114 of current integration manual).
  3. Modify the Keypad driver to incorporate the released event. Gives PJ2-4B a release action. Bonus is increased HomeWorks compatibility.

Ah - maybe I've overthought/overcomplicated my previous reply. I see an easy way for you to include the PJ2-4B models into the standard drivers. The other Picos are mapped Lutron telnet 2,5,3,6,4 to Hubitat 1,2,3,4,5 respectively. So you could map 8 to 1, 9 to 2, 10 to 3, 11 to 4 for the PJ2-4B. You could have that map exist with the standard Picos, and since there is no overlap there would not be any user choice required. Based on your reply, it appears like you might have already done that.

As revealed above, this Pico is supported by our Pico drivers. Buttons 8 through 11 are mapped to 1 through 4. And all Picos report released.

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