Also, I have 1 Lutron switch located at a marginal distance from the Lutron hub. I hear that Lutron works hub and spoke not mesh. Anyone aware of an extender compatible with Lutron, I haven’t found anything in my searches.
Are you sure you have the right Lutron device ID? (They're normally sequential, but this could be different if you added and removed anything.) The Lutron integration report, just like you used to set it up originally, is the way to tell.
As for "extenders," this depends on your exact Lutron system. I might assume Caséta, since that is what many DIY home users use, and in that case, they have a smart plug for lamps as well as a dedicated extender device that can do this. But I wouldn't start by assuming this is a range problem, especially if it works from the Lutron app as you say. Hubitat doesn't do anything different from that--just goes through your Bridge like the Lutron app ultimately does too.
I put both issues in the same post, but my 2 Lutron issues are at 2 different sites. The Plaza location has difficulty to toggle On/Off from both Lutron and Hubitat that is the location where I think an extender could help. Again a search in Amazon leads to a Lutron plug in dimmer as a solution.
For my Ouimet integration where 1 Lutron dimmer is working from the Lutron hub but not from the Hubitat hub, it is in sequential order bearing number 12 and all numbers between 2 and 12 are used.
The existing device won't work; it will create a new one if you used a different ID. The new device should work. You can remove the old one (after swapping it out in any apps you may already be using it in if you have).
It’s working now. I forgot that I had added a Pico a few weeks back and never added it to integration. Once I added the Pico at 12 and the dimmer at 13 it worked. Sorry for my lapse of memory, thank you for your assistance. Norman
Marktheknife, thank you for forwarding the screen shot. I see that the product is available at I'm in Montreal and use, in Canadian currency. The scope of products on is not as extensive. The extender you sent me is not available in Canada, I must purchase in the USA and pay duty to cross it over. I hadn't thought of searching the American version of the site. Norman